Chapter 3

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A/N I'm sorry my updates are so far in between lately! School :P Next week I have a class trip so the update may be a couple of days longer. After that I'll try to update faster!

Percy POV

“You know you’re going to make the team, why are you worrying so much?” Annabeth asked from my couch. Swim tryouts were this morning, two hours before school started. Oh joy…

Me, Annabeth, Hayden and Trinity were all driving over together, but she showed up at my apartment at five in the morning. I loved her, but five is way too early to be up.

I shoved a piece of toast in my mouth, “Slomb gown be der.” I said through a mouthful.

“English please?” She asked with a bemused smile. I gulped and chugged a glass of orange juice.

“Sloan’s gonna be there.” I repeated. Annabeth rolled her eyes.

“I never thought I’d see the day the great Perseus Jackson got scared of an irritating mortal.” She teased. I plopped down on the couch next to her and kissed her cheek.

“It’s Percy. Call me Perseus and I’ll call you Owl Face.” She chuckled.

“Don’t change the subject!” This girl was too smart, “Why are you worrying about Sloan of all people?”

“He’s irritating, and cocky. I’m not worried about him, I’m dreading him.” Annabeth raised an eyebrow.

“Dreading?” Annabeth repeated, “Big word for such a seaweed brain.” I smirked.

“I do have my moments.” She rolled her eyes and punched my shoulder.

“Percy, I don’t see why you’re so freaked out about this guy. He sounds like an overly confident mama’s boy that thinks if he scares off the great Percy Jackson, he’ll be able to glide his way through the rest of high school.” Annabeth said, “It’s a common defense mechanism that a lot of teenagers use. Befriend or overcome the most liked or most well known student, then you’re life will be a lot easier because you have that connection.” Amazingly enough I was able to pay attention to most of what she said.

“Is that what you’re doing?” I asked cheekily as I examined one of her curls.

“I could ask you the same thing,” She joked.

“Maybe when we were twelve, but now…” She snorted in laughter.

“Be serious, Percy.”

“I am! Savior of Olympus two times running, only known son of Poseidon, the great survivor of Tartarus…”

“In case you’ve forgotten, I was there too.” She said grimly.

Me and Annabeth didn’t talk about Tartarus much with everyone else. They didn’t need to know about all the scary stuff down in that place. We talked about it between the two of us. Annabeth decided it wouldn’t be healthy if we just ignored it and kept it all bottled up. Talking about it with her helped make things… well she made it better.

“How could I forget?” She pursed her lips and squeezed my arm.

“Well, compared to that Sloan shouldn’t be a problem then, right?” She asked wryly. I opened my mouth to answer, but got interrupted by a small squeal from the kitchen.

“Don’t move, I’ve got to get the camera!” My mom ordered and ran off to her room while Paul stood inside the door with a smirk.

“She’s making a slideshow for your wedding,” He teased, earning a blush from both me and Annabeth.

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