Chapter 6

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Percy POV

“How do I look?” I turned around to face Annabeth, who was lying with her head hanging over the side of my bed. She analyzed my jeans and a green t-shirt.

“Like a plain human boy.” She answered.

“Perfect.” Annabeth smiled and flipped over onto her stomach. She was in jeans and a plain grey t-shirt with her hair in a ponytail, yet somehow she looks more glamorous than any model I’d ever seen. I walked over to sit next to her.

“I really don’t want to go tonight.” I whined for about the fiftieth time. Annabeth laid her head in my lap and looked up at me.

“Me neither, but if we don’t go she’ll just get more suspicious because of the last-minute cancellation.” I ran my fingers through her soft hair.

“Promise me that you won’t get jealous when she hits on me, because we both know she will.” Annabeth’s nose wrinkled in disgust.

“No promises on that one, but I won’t hit her.” I grinned at her and bent to kiss her forehead. I frowned, there were extremely dark circles under her eyes, and her nails were bitten.

“You don’t look so good.” I blurted out, then realized that it didn’t sound all that good, “I mean you look tired. No! No I mean that you look unhealthy. No, no not that! Um…” She smirked up at me.

“I know what you mean.” She said. Good thing my girlfriend had a sense of humor, “I just haven’t been sleeping so well.” I could guess why.

Annabeth and I didn’t talk about Tartarus. We’d been on dangerous missions before, but this time was different. Usually I had a gut feeling that we’d make it out in the end, but that time I’d had absolutely no idea. We were alone, helpless, and in way over our heads. If Annabeth hadn’t been there with me… I shuddered. She reached up to cup my cheek.

“Thalia’s been getting pretty mad. Apparently I scream sort of loud when I’m having a nightmare.” I tugged on her hair affectionately.

“Why don’t you Iris-Message me? Or just break in, I know you’ve done that before.” Her cheeks got a little bit pink.

“I’m a big girl, Percy. I think I can take a nightmare or two.” Her voice wavered just a little bit.

“Annabeth, next time just IM me. I need to know you’re ok just as much as you need to know I am.” She pretended to pout, but I saw the relief in her eyes.

“Ok.” She whispered. A flash erupted from the corner of the room.

“Oh!” My mom cooed, “That one’s for the wedding slideshow!” Annabeth sat up instantly and blushed.

“See you later, Mom.” I muttered in embarrassment, and led Annabeth by hand out the front door.

“Have fun!” She called, taking yet another picture.

“I hate seeing rich people houses.” Piper grumbled as we pulled up to Calypso’s mansion. Her mom was a famous model, and they owned this really big house just outside of the city, “They remind me of home too much.”

“One thing’s for sure,” I said as we parked and hopped out, “This place puts my apartment to shame.” Annabeth chuckled. I reached out and took her hand as we all walked up to the front door. Sounds of music and splashing flowed back to us.

“Sounds like one big party,” Leo said, already bouncing to the beat. Oh Leo…

“Welcome!” A perky voice said behind us. We turned to see Calypso in a bright pink bikini and one of those white skirt things that girls wear to the beach. Why anyone would have a pool party in October…

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