Chapter 16 (Final)

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A/N- So uh... hi guys :P Ok I now that about 99.99% of you want to throw me into Tartarus for A) going on hiatus for, what like a year?! And B) for making the last chapter a total recounting, too many pages of crap. It was supposed to help transition Calypso from psycho "Percy is MINE!" into "Oh... wow, they really do belong together" but it ended up just dragging on... and on....and on... and it was really lazy of me to be honest :P

I'm really sorry, my real life took over and I had to take a break from fanfiction for a little while. I was hoping to pick it up again over the summer but then I was in and out of the country, and moving, and I really haven't had a free moment until now. But rest assured, I have returned, I'm gonna finish this story and all the rest of mine! I know, SUPER overdue :P 

Now a problem I ran into while writing was the fact that I pretty much completely forgot how I was planning on ending this story... I mean I remember the gist of it, but the gory details are just POOF. So... I'm making this up as I go along! We'll see how that works out :P 

At any rate... this is the final chapter. I know, anti-climactic after the long break, and I was hoping to end things on a better note... I just hope that everything ties together and you all can begrudgingly forgive me for my awfulness :/

Annabeth POV
Calypso's been acting odd lately. Ever since we returned to school afteer winter break she's been... not as irritating. She doesn't drool over Percy in the hallways, or come hang around all of us during lunch, or even look at any of us really. 

"Maybe she's finally feeling guilty?" Trinity suggested one day. I shook my head doubtfully.

"So suddenly?" I questioned.

"She did injure me." Percy muttered, rubbing the spot on his head.

"But even after, when she came to visit you in the infirmary, she was still acting normal." I said, "Something isn't right." 

That afternoon just as the bell rang, I waited on the front steps for Calypso. Percy had tried to stay with me, but I got the feeling that this was a conversation I would want to be had in private.

"If you're sure. I'll meet you at home." He'd said, kissed my temple, and walked out to his car. I watched him walk away until I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"Annabeth." The familiar voice used to bother me, but now it just sounded... sad, guilty. Maybe even a bit confused. I turned to see Calypso standing behind me, arms crossed tightly across her chest, heel anxiously digging into the concrete stairs, "Can we talk? Please?" What could I do but nod and follow her back inside the building?

Calypso led me through the hallways to an empty stairwell at the back of the building that nobody ever used. Well, except maybe for the janitors and students skipping class. Stupid, irresonsible kids ruining their own lives...

Stupid ADHD. 

Calypso took a seat on the linoleum stairs and gestured for me to join her. Her perfect fingernails picked at a loose thread in her skirt.

"Annabeth... I'm sorry." My eyes widened slightly in surprise. From the way she'd been acting I'd just assumed she was scheming. The last thing I'd expected was an apology. Calypso turned to me, the look in her eyes backing up her regret, "I know that... that I've been a bad person." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "I'm not going to keep trying to steal Percy from you. He's yours. I understand that now." 

"What changed?" I questioned, not allowing my voice to reveal any emotion, "You've been going after Percy for years. Why have you suddenly decided you don't want him?" She just shrugged.

"Honestly, I don't think I ever really did like him." She admitted, "I ran into Aphrodite while I was at your camp." Oh, "She told me some stuff about you guys... and she basically told me that she was the one who had made me so into Percy in the first place." Calypso shook her head in disbelief, "That's, what? Like two years of my life she took from me?" Calypso slapped the stair railing, sending a vibrating sound all up the stairwell.

"Been there, done that." I muttered. With a deep breath, I forced out my next words, "I forgive you." She looked at me, almost in shock.

"Seriously?" I nodded.

"Well I can't exactly hold a grudge against one of Aphrodite's victims." I said, "What I don't understand is why she told you. Obviously you were brought to us by the gods for a reason. Why give up now?" I asked and stood up, "Come on, I think we need to talk to Chiron." 

Calypso POV
It was only a few hours back to Camp Half-Blood. I tried not to think about the gigantic stack of homework on my desk, or my unfiled nails tapping at the steering wheel the entire time.

When we got there, Annabeth had me wait on the porch of the Big House while she went in to talk to the centaur. I sat on an old wooden chair and tapped my foot against the railing, watching life go on in front of me. This place really is beautiful. I stood and leaned against the old railing, completely absorbed in the view. I didn't notice the wood starting to wobble underneath me until it snapped and I tumbled through the air with a shriek. I squeezed my eyes tight, waiting for impact with the hard ground. Instead, I landed in a pair of warm, strong arms. 

"So, is this what they mean by falling in love?" A voice chuckled. I looked up at a pair of clear blue eyes hidden under sandy blonde hair, "Oh uh, sorry..." He said and set me down on my feet again, "Careful, this place is falling apart." He said, pointing to the crumbling wood porch.

"Um, thank you." I stammered, staring into his gorgeous eyes, "I'm Calypso." He grinned a bright white grin and held out his hand.

"I'm Fate." He winked, "Daniel Fate." I smirked.

"You're telling me." I giggled nervously. He ran a hand through his hair, showing off some impressive biceps.

"You're new here, huh?" I shook my head.

"Just a visitor." He frowned a little bit.

"That's too bad, I was hoping I'd be seeing you around." He said.

"So you're a demigod?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah, son of Aphrodite." 

8 years later...

"Oh Calypso, he's adorable!" Hazel squealed, staring into the bundle of blankets in the stroller being pushed by a Mrs. Calypso Fate.

"Isn't he?" She gushed. Daniel smiled down at her and squeezed her hand.

"He takes after his momma." He said quietly. 

After Calypso had made peace with all of her demigod enemies at Goode High and met Daniel, the love of her life, the group slowly bonded together. Trinity and Hayden attended University together, and got engaged to be married that fall. Hazel and Frank returned to New Rome where they lived happily together. Jason and Piper ended up in New Rome as well, neighbors with Hazel and Frank. Leo? Well, Leo decided to stay in New York and open up his own garage. Calypso and Daniel ended up married fresh out of college and had a bouncing baby boy. As for Percy and Annabeth, they decided to stay in New York, near Camp Half-Blood where Rachel continued her duties as Oracle. Every summer they all reunited there to catch up. This was the first year that Calypso's son, Michael, would be joining them.

"You know," Rachel began, smiling down at the infant, "the next Great Prophecy has a line about the child born of mortal and demigod..."


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