Chapter 10

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A/N I AM SO SORRY!!! THis is sooo late, and I know, and I'm sorry. I won't bore you with my life story but let's just say I got busy and didn't have time to write. But hey, ITS SUMMER VACATION!!! Which means faster updates ;)

Percy POV

Annabeth and I walked in a comfortable silence towards the apartment. I raised my face up as a couple of snowflakes fell down on us.

“Well isn’t this a Lifetime movie moment?” She joked.

“Not quite…” I said mischievously. She was about to ask me why, but I interrupted by picking her up by the waist and spinning her around.

“There!” I said triumphantly, setting her down on her feet again but with my arms still around her, “Now it’s cliché.” She laughed and put her arms around my neck.

“You sir, are cheesy.”

“But you know you love it.”

“Mmhm,” She said quietly, eyes on my face. We both leaned in closer at the same time…

“Eek!” A girly voice squeaked, “You two are too cute! Oh I did good!” We jumped, and saw our path home blocked by the one and only Aphrodite.

“Lady Aphrodite,” I said with respect. Annabeth didn’t say anything, which was actually a good thing considering all of the insults probably going through her head.

“The two of you are my absolute favorite soap!” She squealed again. “So much drama, so much love. Oh I just love it!”

“Uh… thanks?” I said slowly. Annabeth grumbled under her breath. I reached and squeezed her hand in support. Unfortunately, Aphrodite noticed and started squeaking again.

“I simply cannot wait for the wedding!” We both blushed as she started babbling about flower arrangements and things.

“Lady Aphrodite,” I cut in, “Why are you here?” I asked. The goddess snapped her fingers.

“Right! Right, I’m here. Well you see, I came to warn you.” She said.

“About what?” Annabeth asked, her anger at the goddess not forgotten.

“That’s the problem… the Fates forbid me from telling you exactly from what.” Gee, how helpful.

“You know, that’s fine. We’ve had enough help from you.” Annabeth said boldly. Oh dear, prepare to be vaporized…

“Excuse me?” Aphrodite’s voice was so calm I was scared. Annabeth swallowed, but held her ground.

“You’ve been interfering in our relationship all year! I love Percy, and I don’t want to have to go through all of this with him anymore because some goddess decides that our lives are just too dull for her to continue to spy on anymore!” I winced and briefly considered grabbing Annabeth and trying to outrun Aphrodite. Those heels didn’t look too good for running, but you never know with goddesses…

Aphrodite’s eyes glowered with anger at Annabeth.

“You, my dear, have made a mistake.” She spit. Snow whirled around the goddess, and she was gone.

No matter how much Paul tried to make English fun, it just wasn’t without Annabeth. I’d never tell him this, but his class had turned into one of my most boring classes. Calypso and her friends were always teasing me about kissing her because of that Romeo and Juliet thing.

You know you liked it, Percy!

Why don’t you two just go out already?

You two are sooo a couple!

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