Chapter 4

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A/N Sorry this update took so long, and sorry this isn't one of my best chapters. The next update will for sure not take three weeks, promise! 

Percy POV

“Focus, Captain, head in the water.” Hayden said that in the morning, as we got ready for practice. Coach decided that it would be better for the team if we did practice every morning, and so it was.

“It’s kind of hard, Annabeth’s been on edge for the last few days. She can get pretty scary.” Annabeth and I spent a lot of time hanging out in my apartment. True, she’d never said it out loud, but it was pretty obvious she was extremely ticked off with Calypso. Like when we were doing homework the other day, she kept on “accidentally” breaking her pencils in half. By the time we were done, she’d gone through an entire box of number twos.

“Maybe Rachel and Trin can help cool her off today.” Annabeth, Rachel, and Trinity had come in early with us this morning to study for an English test they had today.

“I hope you’re right, Hayden.”

Annabeth POV

“Ok, what’s an example of imagery in the third chapter?” Rachel asked. Trinity tapped her eraser against her chin.

“Well there was something about a tree…” She answered. Rachel chuckled and finished the drawing of the minotaur on the corner of her page.

“Annabeth? You know it?” I blinked, realizing I’d been spacing out.

“Repeat the question?” Trinity coughed in surprise.

“Wow, that strike really messed you up, didn’t it?” I sighed and nodded.

“My mom talked to me in a dream the other night. She was so angry, at me and Percy. Ugh, you should have heard her: I knew the Sea Spawn would be a bad influence on you. How could you be so ignorant? She’s a mere mortal! Let her have him! I was ready to punch her in the face.” Thunder sounded outside, “Sorry, Mom.” I muttered. Trinity shivered.

“Ok, I’m still not used to that.” She said under her breath, “But that doesn’t matter. What does matter, is that you’re still wound up waaay too tight.” I pursed my lips.

“I’m not that tense am I?” Rachel and Trinity shared a look.

“Percy’s scared of you.”

“Good.” Rachel smirked.

“That’s more like it,” She complimented. A small smile showed up on my face.

“I’m just extremely irritated. I know Percy would never leave me, but I’d rather not have a Calypso in my face everyday, all day.”

“So just ignore her,” Trinity suggested, “My mom always says that if you ignore someone long enough they’ll go away.” With my hubris, that was hard to do.

“I’ll try. But I won’t like it.” I grumbled, “But anyways, what was the question?”

After about fifteen minutes of alternating between studying and watching practice, my patience was put to the test. Calypso decided to show up to watch “Sloan” swim.

“Hey ladies,” She said, planting herself right in front of us. We all muttered good mornings towards her, “So Annabeth, I’ve been meaning to ask you: who dyes your hair?” Ha, she thought I cared what I looked like. Instead of answering, I wrote down an answer on my study guide, “Oh, I see, the old ignoring me trick?” She sneered.

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