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Waking up in a strange place, Candice wondered why she was there and how did she get there. She heard talking and walked up the steps. "Send a message to Klaus. Tell him that we have Alana's doppelganger." She heard.

The blonde ran downstairs as she didn't know how to feel about her kidnap. She sat down on the couch trying to think of how to get back home. "Please let Caroline realize I was gone."

At the Forbes, Caroline walked into her sister's room to brag about tricking Katherine and to see how she was after what Katherine did. "Candice, are you okay?" She asked first as she didn't want her sister to be hurt as she bragged. "Candice?" Opening the door, there was no sign of Candice anywhere. Pulling her phone out, she dialed her sister's number, but there was no answer. Deciding to dial the one person that will help find her sister, Caroline waited for him to pick up.


"Candice is missing."
Candice woke up as she wasn't going to cause a scene. She didn't want to be in pain or worse. "You're quite."

"I don't think I want to get hurt or worse, but explain to me why I'm here."

"First, I'm Rose." She introduced herself. "You are Alana Forbes doppelgänger who was killed by Katherine." Candice was shocked. "She was protecting her friend. She was wanted for a ritual. The sun and the moon."

"Who wanted her for a ritual?"

"The ruthless vampire ever. The elder. Klaus. He had two choices, but he believed that the Forbes bloodline was stronger than the Petrova line. When the two girls died and turned, Alana traveled till they came here. Someone saw her and reported her. That's why Katherine killed her."

"To protect her best friend and who ever that she was around. Alana begged, but even in her death, Klaus wanted her doppelgänger."

Candice stood up and walked over to Rose. "So, why me? I didn't even know I was a doppelgänger till we were searching about werewolves."

"You're blood is connected to the Petrova line because the witches linked them. Making you an optional choice."

"I'm sorry, but wouldn't the Petrova line be better?"

"You see, the original doppelganger in the Petrova bloodline gave a little bit of blood before running off, but the Forbes doppelganger, well, she was killed for her blood and no one knew."

Candice was shocked to hear this. Rose decided to let all this sink in as the blonde sat quietly. She started searching for a weapon as she heard Rose say a man named Elijah was coming to get her. "Come on." She says, but felt paper. She pulled it out from behind the cushions to see a note from Bonnie. "Stefan and Damon are coming to get you. -B." She read. "Took you long enough."
Sometime that day, it was time for Candice to leave with Elijah. Rose walked down to her. "Don't let him take me. I have a sister and a mother who are worried about me."

"I don't make the rules, sweetie." She says. "It's the only way I can get my freedom back."

Candice looked at her confused. "Freedom?"

Rose pulled Candice up and held her as she started talking. "I betrayed Klaus by giving Alana and Katherine blood. They killed theirselves so the ritual wouldn't happen and in order for me to be free. I had to get the doppelgänger of one of them and we saw you."

The blonde never said anything else as they saw a man in a suit appear causing her to listen. She didn't say anything till she thought of the moonstone. "I know where the moonstone is."

Elijah appeared in front of her. "Tell me where it's at."

"I said I know where it is, I'm not telling you shit."

"What is this vervain doing around your neck?" He asked as he ripped the necklace off. "Now, tell me where the moonstone is."

"Tapped with Katherine."

Another sound was heard causing Candice to back away from Elijah. She watched as something was thrown and Elijah cry out in pain causing the blonde to run upstairs out of the way. She looked back down to her mouth was covered causing her to muffle scream. "Candice, it's me."

She turned to see her best friend and hugged him. "Oh thank god." She says. "You're here."

"Sorry, we've been trying to find you." He says. "Distract him."

Candice nodded as she walked half way down as she saw Damon was close to dying. "No." She said. "Stop!" She says as Elijah looked at her. "I'll go with you. Just leave Damon alone."

Damon watched Elijah go up to Candice knowing she was told the plan. He saw his brother attack Elijah causing him to stake him. Candice smiled as it was all over and ran down the steps. Stefan went to hug his friend, but she ran right by him and into his brother's arms causing him to chuckle. He knew the blonde was fight her feelings and it's starting to show.
Sometime that night, Candice was sitting in the backyard of her house. She was enjoying the time alone that she didn't know that Damon was there. "Candice?" She looked.

"Hey." She says as she stood up and walked over to him. "Thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome and I think you are missing something." He showed her necklaced to her.

"You found it." She says as she went to take it back, but laughed. "Damon."

"I have something you need to hear, but at the same time, I have to compel you to forget."

"What are you talking about? Don't compel to forget something if it's this important."

Damon touch her cheek. "Candice, meeting you was fate. I only came back for Katherine, but you grabbed my attention with your attitude, the way you manage things, and you became my friend. That changed the moment I danced with you. I realized that I fell in love with you and because of that, I have to compel you."

"Damon, I..."

He kissed her causing the blonde to wrap her arms around his neck before pulling back. "I love you, Candice Forbes." He tells her. "I'm sorry you had to forget."

Candice closed her eyes and opened them to see she was alone. In her hand was her vervain necklace and put it on.

Inside the house, Caroline wiped a tear away. Her sister really loves Damon and he wouldn't let her say anything. "He'll listen one day before it's too late."

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