chapter 7

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you heard the snarls and groans of the walkers but it was to late to turn back. you thought this was it, it was over. than you got a glimpse of glenn climbing a trash can.

"glenn!" you yelled and he looked at you puzzled
"y/n! what the hell are you doing here!" he said fear creeping into his voice
"don't worry, im gonna save you!" you yelled pulling your pistol out.
"y/n no!" he yelled but your finger hit the trigger as it hit a walker and went right through it hitting a barrel, causing a huge explosion.

everything went silent and blurry. you saw the warm glow of fire and walkers being lit on fire. you were on the ground, you tried to get up but you were too dizzy. you couldn't lay there and let the walkers get you, so you crawled. suddenly you heard the gunshots. one by one walkers were going down. after a few minutes you finally gathered yourself as carl threw a huge gun on the ground and ran to you.
"your okay!" he said tears forming as he bent down and pulled you into a hug
"w-why wouldn't i be" you said
"i just thought.. nevermind" he said holding you even tighter than you pulled away and jumped up and took off running, stumbling a little ways at first
"glenn!" you shouted as you saw him jump down from the trash can
"dad!" you shouted once again and ran to him hugging him. did you really just call him dad? oh well you thought.
"hey kid" glenn said smiling as he hugged you back
"i thought i told you to be safe!" you said pulling away
"and i thought we made a deal? you'd go to jessie's with carl!" he laughed
"that was yesterday! you've been gone for over 24 hours. i had to come find you" you said rolling your eyes
"does maggie know your here?" he asked
"no?" you said giving him a weird look
"then we better head back, and fast. carl what about you? does rick know your here?" glenn said looking at him
"n-no" he stuttered still in shock from what just happened

you, glenn and carl walked back to alexandria and just as you walked into the gate the group was standing there, almost like they were waiting.
"Glenn!" maggie yelled running to him giving him a hug
"carl!" rick said also running and hugging him
you stood there awkwardly, no one ran to you. but then someone did, it made you happy he cared. but he wasn't who you wanted to care.
"thank god your safe" ron said as he pulled you in for a hug
"yep" you said hugging him back

these r so short oml😭. idk how y'all r reading this. IM SO SORRY. i honestly thought they were longer but ig not! im just not trying to throw like 2 major events and stuff like that into one chapter so it spaces the story out??? yk what i mean? cause I still gotta throw flashbacks in and everything and we're not even close to the main plot. so i feel like they'll gradually get longer! thanks to everyone who's reading 💗

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