chapter 15

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*this isn't going to be accurate to the show at all*

you had been sitting on your bed for about 5 minutes now when you noticed someone outside of the window, they didn't look like anyone you'd see here and as you got closer to the window you saw what they were doing. they had an elderly later on the ground stabbing her.

"michonne! outside!" you yelled as you ran downstairs. michonne grabbed her sword and you went outside and you followed
"no y/n, it's not safe" michonne said looking around
"im not gonna sit and watch! im helping you" you said sternly pulling your gun out
"fine. stay close" she said as you two began to walk in the street.

they weren't walkers. they were real people, you both started fighting them off and got separated a little, two of them had came at you only using knifes. they didn't have guns which was a good thing, you went to pull the trigger but nothing came out. fuck how can it be out of bullets already? you thought you went to pull your knife out but one stopped you
"I don't think you want to do that" he smiled as he held a knife to your temple. these people had blood all over them and W's carved into their foreheads. what the hell were they?
"why are you doing this?" you asked in a whisper
"you all die" he said you heard gunshots and saw the other two fall to the ground. the guy still had his knife to your temple
"see you in the next world" he said just as he was about to push it through michonne stabbed him causing the knife to gently graze your temple.

you looked over at michonne to thank her and you noticed one of the intruders running away but then looked back at michonne and noticed she was on the ground.
"michonne?" you questioned as you walked closer to her, a pile of blood surrounded her
"michonne!" you screamed and fell to your knees beside her, there was a stab wound right in her chest. she was still breathing but she was losing blood quickly.
"no!" you cried you didn't know what to do. you used your hands to apply pressure to the wound.
"y/n" she spoke in a whisper
"stay strong for me, im gonna be okay" she said trying to convince you with a smile on your face
"i know" you said as you wiped a tear with your free hand
"can you walk?" you asked her
"i don't think so" she said calmly
how the hell was she so calm. she could die any second and she's smiling and reassuring you? you tried to keep a smile on your face just for her. then you saw daryl
"daryl!" you yelled and he ran over
"what happened to her?" he asked gesturing to michonne
"you've gotta help! we've gotta get her to denise!" you said frantically, the blood hadn't slowed down and her breathe was getting slower
"okay kid cover me alright?" he said as he picked michonne up, you nodded and got behind him. you both took off running towards denise' house. you killed 3 more on the way.

this was the first time you'd ever killed a human, and you were ready to do it even more if anything happened to michonne. you had just started feeling safe with her and now she's barely even alive. maybe you were cursed and everyone you loved died? if that was the case, a lot more people would die soon. the thought scared you so you pushed it away and sat down in a chair next to michonne who was unconscious and laid your head on her lap, crying.

"please be okay michonne, you have too" you pleaded as you fell asleep.

so hey guys 😜😜😜

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