chapter 12

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a week had passed since glenn and abraham died. a week of nightmares had your whole sleep schedule screwed up. you glanced at the clock and it was 3:45, you couldn't sleep and didn't want too. the nightmares were beginning to become to much. you got out of your bed, careful not to wake carl. you were still staying with the grimes' you couldn't step foot back into your old house. you heard carl's bed creak as he turned over, you froze. hoping he was still asleep
"y/n?" he said in a sleepy voice rubbing his eyes
"go back to sleep carl im okay" you told the boy
"no no im fine, what are you doing anyway?" he asked sitting up
"i cant sleep" you said yawning
"it seems like you need sleep" he said smiling and still half asleep himself
"the nightmares carl. i can't." you said still standing
"i understand" he said patting the bed beside him, you walked over to him and say beside him and he pulled you in for a hug.

you guys sat like that for about 2 minutes before you heard the moans and groans of the walkers. you jumped frighted. "carl do you hear that?" you said running to the window
"yeah" he said grabbing his sherif hat and his gun and joining you at the window.

you both looked down at the streets of alexandria to see it full of walkers. you sunk down. how the hell did this happen.

"i have to go wake up my dad" carl said but as if on cue rick came into the room
"y'all alright?" he asked already aware of the situation.
"fine" you both said as your mind wandered to ron, he had no idea how to protect himself, you'd been teaching him to distract yourself but he hadn't fully learned. hell he could barely use a gun. and you couldn't lose him now, after everything you've gone through in the past week he'd been there for you more than anyone even maggie. well carl tried but you tuned him out, him and enid had made it official and you weren't trying to get wrapped into that. right now you had ron and that's all that mattered but if you don't do something soon who knows how much longer he'll be around.

"rick" you said standing up and looking back out the window
"yeah?" he asked
"we have to get to jessie's. to save them." you said
"now isn't the time to worry about your-" rick stopped carl
"your right, they have no one to protect them. see any openings kid?" he asked joining you at the window
"yeah, there's one!" you said pointing to a gap between 2 houses, ricks and what's now become maggie's house. rons home was about a street over, with a little fighting you could all get there. but you'd have to be quick

"it's risky but we've got to try" rick said going to get michonne and judith.
"they can fight for themselves" carl told you not 100% approving of the plan
"they can't! your dad kill ron's! that was their only protection!" you yelled at him
"i-" you stopped him, and rolled your eyes
"just shut up! i don't even need your help" you said storming off downstairs and out of the door before anyone could even stop you.

you fought your way through a few walkers then reached an opened spot and took a run for it. once you got to jessie's house you banged on the door. she didn't answer, you'd assumed she was scared but then you heard her yelled at sam.
"stay in the closet sam!" she yelled
"mommy! no!" he yelled back
"Jessie!!" you yelled from outside, walkers finally noticing you. she ran downstairs to the door and let you and then quickly shut it and locked it.
"y/n? what are you doing here?" she asked
"no time for questions. we have to get upstairs, it's the safest place they'll bust down the door soon!" you looked around for anything to put around the door than noticed, ron wasn't here.
"jessie, where's ron?" you asked her as you pushed the couch against the door
"upstairs with sam why?" she asked helping you
"no reason, let's get upstairs" you said as you heard rick yelling from the garage
"jessie! is y/n in there!" He asked
"im in here!" you yelled and went to open the door leading to the garage
"why are you-" jessie started
"i told you already, no time for questions. we all need to get upstairs." they all obeyed and you lead them upstairs

ron saw you as you walked upstairs and you locked eyes with him. you were glad he was okay.
"ron!" you said running to him and gave him a hug
"y/n im so glad your safe" he said hugging you back earning a disgusted look from carl

"we have to get out of here, or barricade" rick said
"i know where stuff is in the garage we can use, carl will you come help me?" ron asked
"I can-" you started but ron stopped you
"stay here, where i know your safe" he said smiling at you
"yeah sure" carl said annoyed.

the boys went into the basement and carl looked around noticing nothing in here was going to help.
"ron?" carl started but was met by Ron's fist hitting him in his temple. carl confused soon realized what was happening. ron set him up. he punched ron back and the two started fighting officially.
"I've seen the way you look at y/n. she's mine"ron said and grabbed something big to throw at carl but missed and shattered the window in the garage causing walkers to pile in.

everyone heard the commotion and ran downstairs jessie and rick tried to get the door opened but it was locked.
"boys!" jessie yelled
"carl you alright in there?" rick yelled
suddenly they got the door open and the boys were standing right at it trying to get in as well. they rushed into the house killing a Walker behind them
"how the hell did that happen?" rick asked
"i uh" ron started and you looked at him noticing blood on his forehead
"are you okay?" you asked him
"answer my question" rick said getting angry
"it's my fault dad. i hit a rack and it fell over and broke the window." carl said quickly noticing ron was bleeding
"and this?" jessie said as she checked rons head
"he was near the glass, it shattered and cut him" he said
you knew he was lying. and rick did too
"if that's not the full story you better tell me"
"it is, honest" carl said.
"why are you all in walker guts?" ron asked

you gave carl and ron a sheet covered in guts and explained ricks idea. he said it was best to get to the armory where all the guns were and end this. so that's what you were doing.

you all walked in a line while holding hands. you were holding ron's and jessie's. as you continued walking rick whispered "its working, don't be scared"
"mommy" sam said
"mommy" sam said again louder this time
"mommy!" sam practically yelled a walker bit down into his neck and started eating him. jessie screamed and soon enough one got her, She was still holding your hand and wouldn't let you go. rick cut her hand off with an axe and then you heard ron's cry.
"mom I'm so sorry" he whispered and then let go of your hand and pulled out his gun, aiming it at rick.

"you killed my dad!" he yelled "you got my mom and brother killed!" he yelled again
"ron stop!" you said getting closer to him
"stay back y/n. I don't want to hurt you" he said and you obeyed. you weren't sure what was going to happen, but you didn't want to find out.

ron went to pull the trigger but michonne's knife went right through his heart killing him instantly. as he fell down his finger pulled the trigger missing rick and you thought missing everyone. you fell down to your knees. the only person you had left, yet again killed right in front of you.
"no!" you screamed
"no no no!" you screamed again, crying uncontrollably michonne helped you up and whispered into your ear
"cmon you can't do this, you gotta stay strong" she said just then carl turned to look at Rick, blood pouring out of what used to be his eye.
"dad?" he said before he fell to the ground.

so like ron's death was supposed to be super sad seeing as you used him to make carl jealous, but it doesn't seem super sad when i wrote this. IT WILL BE MENTIONED AGAIN AND I SWEAR YOU WILM CRY. 😜😜 jk, but umm hello i actually wrote a semi long chapter for once?? and ik i skipped like major parts from the show, and i didn't have other people involved who were like Gabriel and i know the garbage scene didn't go like that at all😭 but i couldn't completely remember all the details so i just did it similar!

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