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Zade de capri

It's a shame how I'm so eager for Amara. Her soul is so attractive and addicting. She's playing hard to get but she can't win her own game.

I entered the coffee that she worked at. I don't even like coffee but I go there just to see her beautiful smile. Her beautiful aurora.

Her brown honey eyes fell to my sunglasses and she quickly dropped them and walked away. "What can I get you?" Her friend or coworker im assuming asked.

I took off my sunglasses slowly and licked my lips. "I want her to take my order." I deeply said as I slowly looked Amara up and down slowly.

She looked beautiful in her jeans that showed off her plump ass, the white cropped long sleeved that she wore that exposed her belly piercing.

Man- she was gorgeous. I was going to have her.

"Mara, he wants you." She yelled and Amara sighed and turned to me. I smirked as she walked over to the register.

I made sure she saw me checking her out slowly. The way her hips swung effortlessly, her thick thighs that I would love to lay between.

"Done checking me out?" Her angelic voice spoke snapping me out my trance. "I can't help how beautiful you are bambina." I rasped as I rubbed my stubble and licked my lips.

"Thank you Zade, what do you need?" She asked clearly annoyed. I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head. "Why the attitude?" I asked with a smile and she lowered her head.

"You, I told you I don't want a relationship." She spat and I squinted my eyes before looking away with a huge smile showing my deep dimples.

"What happens if I want to change that?" I asked as I placed my hands behind my back. "Yeah, no."

"Look ma, I can play your game until you crack. Play hard to get... I promise amore, your not going to win." I lowly growled out as she maintained my eye contact.

She quickly looked away as she stared at the cash register with a small smile clearly still flustered.

"Now, I want you to give me a call today. If you don't I will have to come up here again and bother you while you work. Want that?" I asked and she quickly shook her head no.

"Now, can I get a black coffee?" I asked as I pulled out my wallet.


"Yo Derrick." I said as I dabbed him up. He patted my back before pulling away. I sat besides him as we watched different women strip.

"Where have you been?" Derrick asked as he handed the blunt to me. I grabbed it and took a puff before passing it back.

"Italy, you know I have a business to run." I stated and he nodded his head. "How's that going?"

"20 million collected in a month, you tell me." I spat as I opened my legs wide and leaned back in the seat.

He chuckled before passing the blunt to me. I took a couple of puffs and blew the smoke out through my nose.

"I want you to meet someone." Derrick quickly said making me look over at him. "You know I'm not looking for anyone to date at the moment-"

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