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Zade de capri

"Is Amara here?" I asked Mila and she shook her head. "Haven't heard or seen her." Mila said as She made drinks without looking at me.

I turned on my heels to walk out. She still has me on delivered and has not been answering my calls. I hated to admit this but I worried about her.

Usually I wouldn't care if a women didn't reply but it's different with Amara. I feel something with her, when my lips connected to hers It felt so right and perfect.


I knocked on her door and waited impatiently. "Who is it?" She rasped. She's been crying, her voice is so raw and gone.

"It's me mar. Open up." I sternly said as my hand grazed the door knob. "I can't do that Zade."

"I'll open this door my damn self. Open this door mar." I eagerly said before biting my bottom lip.

I heard locks unclick and the door opened revealing Amara. My heart dropped once I seen her state.

Her side swollen face, the bruises.

I quickly rushed in and closed the door before cupping her cheeks. "You fucking tell me everything he's done to you." I sternly said as she quickly broke down into tears.

She wrapped her arms around my neck tightly and sobbed in my chest. "I'm here, Mar." I whispered.


She ran down everything. That explains the small broken glass. I helped her clean up and caught myself still being with her at 7pm.

We sat on the couch as she rested her head on my arm but I slowly moved my arm and let her rest her head on my chest.

She instantly brought her legs on the couch to her chest. I placed my free hand on her thigh softly as we watched John tucker must die.

She said it was her comfort movie so I played it for her. I glanced down at her as I stroked her back up and down.

The doorknob rattled making her sit up anxiously but I stopped her and laid her back onto my chest. "Lay down." I softly said but she hesitated.

"I have you. Just do what your told okay?" I whispered and she nodded her head before resting her head back onto my chest.

"Open the door slut!" Her ex boyfriend slurred making her muzzle her face into my chest even farther.

I gently moved her out the way to stand up and approached the door. "Zade no." Amara tried to stop me but I opened the door revealing a dark skin male with evil brown eyes.

He looked pathetic and worth nothing.

"So you are the motherfucker she's been with." He growled and I smiled. "What does it look like?" I spat and he scoffed.

"Have my left overs. She's sloppy and a fat ass pig anyways." He spat and I quickly sent blow after blow to his face until he dropped down to the floor.

He groaned as he noticed his nose was slightly cricked. "She's not your fucking leftovers. She doesn't deserve that title. And for goddamn sure she's not a fat ass pig." I growled before punching him over and over again until he knocked out.

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