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Amara zealand

Do I make you nervous, Mar?

Yes of course you do but I can't- it feels so wrong but so good. I'm so stuck up on Nico that I just can't.

I was truly in love with him- my first love in fact. He was so sweet, loving, but everything changed when I wouldnt give myself up for him.

I was such a chicken when coming to me loosing my virginity. I didn't want to rush or force into it and he didn't like it so he started to cheat on me.

Called me useless, fat, that's when the abuse really started. I kept quiet about it for years until I grew some balls and left him.

A knock came from my door leaving me tense. I didn't want Nico here.

I quietly tiptoed to the front door and looked at the peephole to see Zade with a red bouquet of roses.

He was dressed in a black suit, his hair not in his messy state which I was kind of upset about because his hair is so much more sexier when it's out of place.

I opened the door and gave a small smile. "Hey." I softly said and moved out the way so he can come in.

"Hey beautiful." He replied as I closed the door and turned around to him to see him already scanning me up and down.

I was only wearing an oversized tshirt and panties. But he couldn't see them because how oversized the shirt was.

He handed out the roses for me making me smile in awe. "You didn't have to get me roses Zade." I softly said as I walked and went to place them in a empty vase with water.

He hummed, "beautiful roses for a beautiful women." He stated making me look over at him and shake my head.

"Such a flirt." I said and displayed the roses. "What are you doing here? What's the occasion?" I asked looking him up and down.

"Nothing. I just wanted to see your beautiful face." He gave a smile showing his dimples. I was flustered to the max, I couldn't stop smiling no matter how hard I tried to stop.

He leaned his lower half on the back of my couch as he lowered his eyes down at me. He spread his legs apart and rested his hands on my couch.

I slowly walked over to him and caught myself standing between his legs. "So why the suit?" I asked softly as I looked up at him.

"I like to stay classy... you don't like it?" He asked deeply and I hummed and gave a smile. I hummed, "I do".

"Now since you've said you like my suits I may wear them forever." He teased making me laugh out as he smiled.

I shook my head and turned around but he gently grabbed my waist. He turned me around making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Yes?" I asked as he looked down at me. "I want to look at your beautiful face." He whispered.

"Well your looking at it right now." I giggled out as he scanned my eyes and then my lips. "Can I?" He softly asked and I squinted my eyes.

"Can you what?" I asked confusingly and he chuckled. "Touch your cheek." He whispered and I bit my bottom lip and nodded my head.

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