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Zade de capri

I looked at Amara and my baby who she wouldn't let me have. I slowly got up and sat next to her making her move slightly.

I gently grabbed her thigh and rested my head on her shoulder. "I apologize for being rude towards you. All you ever do is be a good supporting girlfriend and I'm lucky to have that support. I apologize for yelling at you, loosing my temper, I- I- I just can't afford you or aria getting hurt. I'm sorry that I fucked up your life, I will make sure when all this is over you can have your life back. I'll make sure to buy you a house and everything you need before we part ways." I quietly said before standing up but she grabbed my wrist.

I slowly sat down and she leaned her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. "I don't want to part ways Zade. I just don't want violence... I don't want our daughter to grow up with it in her life." She rasped out making me run my hands through her knotless braids.

"When this is all over we can move where ever you want. Italy, Paris, Maldives, Bahamas, anywhere as long as your happy and my baby girl." I softly said as I looked into arias light brown eyes.

I gently took her and kissed her forehead. "Ti proteggerò, mia principessa" I whispered before smiling down at her.

Her hair was growing a lot, only at 2 months she has a lot of hair. One thing that she did take after me was my hair color. My dark brown hair that was slightly curly but mainly bone straight.

I wrapped my hand around Amara and held onto aria tightly. My familia.


I opened my childhood gates from my Ashton Martin. Amara had to carry aria until I got to my ma and pa house so I can get my Range Rover.

I have a house here aswell with mutiple cars but it's 4 hours away from where we flew in. Luckily I had my Bentley from my previous flight.

I sped through the drive way and my mother and father were already standing outside wearing all black.

They hardly wear black but when it's something serious they wear black. Just like me, but I wear black 24/7 because every day is serious.

I parked and went to open Amara door. Amara stood up with aria in her hands and I heard my mothers loud gasp.

"Oh my! She's so tiny and- your twin!" My mother exclaimed happily as Amara smiled. "Want to go to your grandma?" Amara softly said to aria who stared at my mother.

Amara handed aria over to my mother and my mother squealed and hugged her gently. I walked over to my pa and dabbed him up.

"I hope you have a ring for my daughter in law." My pa whispered in my ear. I shrugged and smirked knowing my father already knows.

"I'm proud of you son. Your daughter is beautiful... having anymore?" My father asked and I turned to Amara who was laughing from what my mother said.

"Most likely. It would hurt to have a son or another daughter. I enjoy being a girl dad." I softly said as I tucked my hands in my suit pockets.

My pa chuckled and patted my back. "I've always wanted a daughter but your mother said no more after hades ran her crazy." My pa said making me chuckle.

"I should have just been a only child but I love hades." I lowly said as Amara walked over to me as my ma carried aria.

I bit my bottom lip as she rested her head on my chest. My hand slowly leaned down to her ass and I lightly squeezed it making her glance over at me.

My hand stayed on her plump ass as my pa took aria. "Hi munchkin." My pa said as he smiled happily.

"We got presents for her." My ma and pa said. "I have a flight in a hour to Greece." I announced as I removed my hand from Amara and placed them behind my back.

Amara face morphed into her scrunched look before looking away. "We can give you both privacy." My ma softly said and walked inside the house leaving me and Amara outside.

I went to cup her cheeks but she gently moved her face and looked away. "Amara." I sternly said as I looked down at her. She slowly looked up at me threw her lashes.

"What?" She mumbled quietly making me sigh and stroke her cheek. "I'm only going to be gone for a day." I softly said and she hummed.

"What happen if you don't." Her voice cracked and I shook my head and held onto her tightly. "Don't think like that. I have a purpose of living baby, and that's you and aria. Okay?" I softly said as she sobbed out in my chest.

"Okay." She muffled out before pulling away to wipe her tears. I took off my chain and turned her around so I could place it on her.

"I'll be back for both of you. I promise." I whispered in her ear. I turned her back around as her index finger rimmed my chain.

I kissed her forehead before turning my back towards her. I heard her muffle sobs making me bite my bottom lip.

I stopped as I felt someone watching me. I discreetly checked my surroundings and notice a sniper coming from the hills pointing straight at Amara.

I quickly ran over to Amara and pushed her down making the bullet strike in my arm making me growl out.

I dragged her inside the house, "tell my pa and ma to get the guns and call for men. Now." I yelled at her and she quickly nodded as she stumbled up.

I stood up and rushed inside and closed the door as I hissed. My pa came storming down as I ripped my suit jacket to apply on my wound.

"Get my girls out of here pa. Please, don't let them get hurt. Now." I demanded and my father nodded as he pulled a gun from his back and cocked it.

I applied pressure on my wound and ran up the stairs to Amara and aria. I busted into their room and instantly grabbed amaras throat.

"I love you okay. Be strong, for me." I growled and she nodded as tears streamed down her face. I smashed my lips onto hers. I quickly pulled away and kissed arias forehead before looking down at her.

I grabbed her hand and kissed her ring finger that carried the promise ring I gave her. "I will come back. I'm one call away." I softly said as she sobbed hysterically.

I kissed her one last time before exiting out the room.


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