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Amara zealand

I woke up in my bed. Empty bed.

I remember falling asleep onto zades chest in the first 30 minutes of the show. He probably placed me in my bed.

I got up and groaned before getting ready for the day which I didn't feel like doing but anything for the money.


"Hey Mila." I softly said as I entered the coffee shop. "Hey Mara, I haven't heard from you in a while." She responded and I hummed.

"You and Zade. Tell me everything!" Mila squealed and I shook my head and smiled.

"So nosey." I stated as I walked being the counter. She mumbled under her breath before giving a heavy sigh to get my attention and sympathy.

"I like your outfit though." She quietly said and I smiled. "Thank you."

I only wore black biker shorts and a smile white cropped long sleeve so she's definitely lying.

I decided this morning that I should flat iron my hair so that I did. My hair went past my shoulders and I thank my mom everyday that she didn't perm my hair when I was younger.

Speaking of my mother I hardly speak to her. After college I guess we just went separate ways which I found weird.

She married a new man, had another family and just forgot about me so it is what it is.

The doorbell ringed making me look over my shoulder to see Zade. His hair in a neat slick back. Yesterday his hair was dripping wet and messy which I loved.

Of course he's in his black suit which looked so expensive just by how clean it was. I fully turned around and gave a smile.

"Hey." I softly said and went around the counter to give him a kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly and kissed me back.

I quickly pulled away as he held me so tightly. "What are you doing here? It's only 12." I said before giggling.

"I wanted to see you. I left you yesterday because I had to go situate something. I hate how I left you." He softly said and I sighed.

"It's fine Zade. You had things to take care of... I respect that. But I do wish I woke up in your arms." I said with a big smile as he looked down at me.

His cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he looked away. "Are you blushing?" I exclaimed with a big smile.

He shook his head trying to deny it making me laugh.

"Okay love birds wrap it up! Get to work Mara." Gloria softly said making me glance over at her to see her smiling at us.

Gloria is like a mom to me.

I smiled and kissed zades cheek before pulling away. "I'll see you later." I softly said and went to turn around but he grabbed my waist and spinned me aground.

"Give me a proper kiss." He lowly said as his eyes were lowered down at me. I giggled and gave him a peck and pulled away making his face display cold.

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