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Amara Zealand

I really like Zade. How he's patient with me, understanding. He's not in a rush when it comes to sex either.

I mumbled and rolled over noticing Zade wasn't in bed. I'm so used to sleeping with him.

I slowly got up and rubbed the sleep out my eyes. I stood up and walked to the bathroom to brushed my teeth and washed my face. Like the norm.

I slipped on a pink sundress and paired it with white Sandals. I fluffed out my natural hair and placed it in a high slick puff.

I sprayed a little bit of vanilla perfume and moisturized my body with shea butter before walking out my room.

I noticed Zade in a fresh suit, his hair in a neat slick back. He was on the balcony on the phone.

I slowly opened the sliding door and he immediately turned around. "Sarò presto a casa." Zade quickly said before hanging up.

"You didn't have to end the call I just wanted to say good morning." I softly said and smiled. "I was going to end the call soon baby." He smiled and stroked my cheek gently.

He placed a soft kiss on my lips and I instantly wrapped my hands around his neck. His hands slowly slipped to my ass making me moan.

I slowly pulled away before pecking his lips. "My parents are coming over to my house later on and I was wondering if you would like to come with?" He asked me and I smiled.

"Uhhh, your finally going to give me a house tour? Duh!" I squealed out and he chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"I have work and I have to get going but I'll see you later on and please lock up after you leave." I quickly said and went to grab my purse.

He followed after me and grabbed my waist and pulled me back into him making me feel his bulge.

He buried his face into my neck taking in my scent. "Be careful and safe." He whispered before pulling away.

Zade De capri

I opened my house door and spades my Frenchie came running over towards me. His body shook each time his tail wagged aggressively.

"My boy." I smiled and picked up spades and walked up the the stairs. I know everyone, how the hell do you stay at Amaras place but have a dog.

Do you take care of him?

Actually he's taken care of by my maid Maryanne. She's an older lady-43. I usually let her get days of breaks because I hardly don't need her.

She keeps everything tidy when it comes to spade ruining things even though my house is spotless.

I placed spade down and he quickly ran around my second floor. I walked up another flight of stairs to reach my own personal 3rd floor that carried all my guns, gun range, weapons, etc.

Where I keep my business.

I opened the door to my office and sighed before sitting down. I flipped through some files and found a file on Amara.

I opened it and scanned it too see something that made my heart drop. Her mother, Jane Zealand.

She was married to my fathers sworn enemy. My father killed her father because of the fucked up shit he done to him.

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