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Amara zealand

It's been 3 weeks since I've seen Zade but we did communicate over phone and FaceTime. His hair was longer, his stubble was always neat but he does look different.

Not a bad different, neither a good different... he just looks different. I miss him so much, his touch, his cuddles, him cracking jokes revealing his beautiful laugh, hell I even miss when we argue and have our little disagreement.

We went somewhere in Spain. I currently live with Zades parents but since the plot is so expensive and big they built me a small house behind their house.

I wanted privacy so they provided it. I loved Rosa, she's so sweet and thoughtful even zades dad is. He's lucky to have supportive parents.

My phone rung and I quickly checked it to see it was Zade. "Baby, I miss you. I need you in my arms!" I happily said as he stared in the camera before grinning infront of him.

He stood up and I gasped from his swoll he got only after a week. He was massive, his biceps ripping through his shirt, his defined abs showing through the material of his shirt.

"What?" He asked as I watched as he took apart a gun. "You've gotten so swoll." I stated as I kicked my feet,

He chuckled, "before I met you, I used to take working out seriously. Every singe day, gym for hours. But you came into my life making me put on a couple of pounds but I couldn't help it because your cooking is so good." He said as he went to lift weights.

I giggled as I stared at him through the camera as he lifted the weights up and down constantly flexing his biceps.

"Your staring." He gritted out as he look forward. "Because I miss you, I miss everything about you... your cuddles." I pouted and he flashed his beautiful smile.

"How's your arm?" I asked breaking the silence. "It's doing well. This isn't a first." He laughed as he placed the weights down and sat down infront of the camera before downing his water bottle.

"Not your first?" I asked confusingly as he tossed the water bottle. I seen his imprint through the grey shorts materiel.

Did he get bigger?

"Hades accidentally shot me, long story." He chuckled out. I threw my head back and sighed,  "how much longer are you going to be out in Greece? You know aria is getting more aware of her surroundings." I softly said and a big smile formed on his face.

"I'll be back soon but I can't give you an accurate date. I miss you both especially aria. Matter of fact can you show me her?" He asked.

"She's sleeping right now and I don't want to wake her because if I do she goes crazy." I said and he hummed before standing up and walking to his room.

"Do you need any money, diapers, anything?" He asked, "No your parents have been spoiling me enough and aria." I giggled out as he entered his room and went into the bathroom.

He propped the camera up to where I can see everything. He turned on the shower, " I don't want you to rely on my parents mar. You have me as well."

"I'm not relying on your parents Zade. They offered and I wasn't going to turn them down. They're sweet and treat me very well and I'm grateful for that." I slightly raised my voice.

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