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Amara zealand

I woke up and indeed Zade sent the information. 12:00pm, at monies. A typical famous lunch spot.

I quickly slipped in the shower and lathered down my body with dove before rinsing off. I turned off the shower and wrapped myself into my pink fuzzy towel.

I dried myself off and went in with shea butter and lathered it all over my body making sure I'm well moisturized and shiny.

I recently got a full body wax so I didn't need to shave. Shaving is a hassle anyways so that's why I switched to waxing even though the pain is terrible.

But like they say, beauty is pain.

I slipped on a pair of jeans that showed off my ass and thickness real well. Usually I don't wear tightly jeans because of how they used to look on me but I began hitting the gym and let me tell y'all...

It's been paying off.

I place on a white tank top that showed off my cleavage and sternum tattoo. I rushed back inside my bathroom to fluff my hair out.

I placed curl cream inside of my hair to define my curls before slicking my hair in a high puff with 2 strands infront.

I begin placing on all my jewelry and placing on a little bit of blush, mascara, and gloss before leaving my bathroom.

I noticed it was 11am. Well shit, I clearly didn't estimate my time correctly. I slipped on some white sandals showing my freshly done white toes that matched my French tip nails.

I sprayed a little bit of my vanilla perfume before grabbing all of my belongings to head out.


I didn't reach the cafe until 12:05, which wasn't bad. When I opened the door it was so elegant, expensive matter of fact.

I looked around until I spot Zade. The only intimidating male in here. He's wearing a black suit, his hair in a slightly messy slick back. I can't deny, he's a handsome man, I'm just not ready for another relationship that won't even last.

I went to walk over to Zade but I was stopped by a waiter. "Hey, ma'am. You going to have to wait in line like everyone else." She rudely spat making me step back so I could have my personal space.

"I actually am meeting someone." I spat back and she hummed and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Is there a problem why your not letting my wife through?" Zade deep voice boomed making me look behind the lady to see him staring right down at me.

The waiter quickly turned all the way around before turning red. "I don't like how you treated her. I'll make sure to tell Oscar Dinero how unprofessional you are." Zade lowly said and the waiter spluttered.

"No need to do that sir, every meal today can be free." She shuttered and Zade hummed. "What do you think doll?" He asked and looked over at me.

"I mean-"

"We'll take the free meals but I seen mutiple women and men- whites in fact do the same thing in front of you and you didn't react but when my lovely wife did it you stopped her. Unprofessional and no class, he will still be told. Now excuse us." Zade spat calmly before taking my hand and walking us over to the fancy table that already has bread out.

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