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Amara zealand

1 week later

It's been a week since I've heard from Zade. He's been leaving me on delivered and not answering my calls.

I've been worried sick about him.

I took a small sip of wine that Rosa offered me. "He's fine. He does this all the time." Rosa said making me look over at her as she held aria.

"It's not fine Rosa. He can't just go ghost. He has a family, a daughter." I stated. "I know Mija, but just give him time. He will comeback." She softly said as I stood up.

I sighed and went to take aria. "I'm going to put her up for her nap and then probably take one myself. Thank you for everything Rosa." I gave a soft smile and walked out the front door.

I walked around the house to go in the back to where I had my own separate house. I was not allowed to leave this whole property until Zade gave them the clear.

I opened the front door and walked up the stairs to place aria in her crib. Once I put her in her crib she yawned and dozed off which I was thankful.

One thing about aria she never fought her sleep.

I walked down the hall and opened my bedroom door to see Zade standing tall with his hands behind his back.

He looked so different but the same. His body was so massive, his hair was shorter but was still so sexy in his messy slick back.

I sobbed out and ran to him. I jumped on him as he tightly held onto me and kissed my neck repeatedly.

"I missed you." I sobbed and smashed my lips onto his. He deeply kissed me back and just as I was about to pull away he held the back of my head to deepen the kiss.

He quickly pulled away and looked me in my eyes. "I told you I will come back. For you- our daughter." He said as his voice cracked.

He wiped my tears before kissing my neck. I ran my fingers through his hair as I looked up at him.

I smiled and kissed his forehead. He gently placed me on my feet and I immediately hugged him.

"Your so massive and so comfy." I muffled out and he chuckled. He gripped my ass cheeks and kissed the top of my head.

"I missed you so fucking much." He gritted out as I pulled away. "Show me how much you miss me." I softly said before taking off my shirt.

He scanned my chest and then my face with a smirk. He gently lifted me up and tossed me on the bed making me squeal out.

He towered over me before kissing my chin and slowly go down. He kissed my chest before ripping my bra off letting my breast go free.

He glanced up at me before kissing my nipple before marking my chest making me whimper. He knew not to suck on my chest just because I still producing milk.

He moved onto my pulge and placed sloppy kisses everywhere. I rubbed the back of his head as I stared down at him.

He quickly slid off my sweats and panties making me gasp. He didn't waste no time gripping my thighs and connecting his mouth to my pussy.

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