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Zade De capri

3 weeks

It's been 2 weeks since Nico has been dead. He fucked around with me and stole from me and look where that got him? Dead.

My mother and father flew out earlier this week. They had to postpone the fly out because of the bad weather in Italy so they had to wait.

So they flew in on Monday.

Me and Amara are getting closer, I've learnt about her how she went to Howard university and is working to get her masters.

Her mother and her doesn't talk anymore but Gloria her job manger is like a second mother to her and her father was never present.

I told her a little about me. I actually went to Cornell University, got a full ride by playing lacrosse. I know, typical white male who's now playing a dangerous game.

I told her about my parents coming to visit and she was highly anxious. I reassured her that my parents would love her.

I promised her we can take things slow until she's ready so for now I can just say we're very well friends. Friends with benefits.

She isn't my girlfriend or anything but I would want her to be because now I'm sleeping in her bed with her laying on my chest.

You call that being friends Amara?

I stared down at her as my hands were wrapped around her tightly. Soft snores left her nose as she rested her whole left face on my bare tattooed chest.

She's so pretty when she sleeps. Her pink silk bonnet that she wears, her plumped brown full lips... I mean she's effortlessly beautiful.

She groaned and moved closer to me making me tense up. I always wake up with a morning wood no matter what. It's natural.

I just didn't want her to graze it because if she does I know she will feel it. She wore only underwear and my tshirt which turned me on so fucking bad.

She mumbled before fluttering her eyes open. Her hands were on my pelvis making butterflies flutter in my stomach.

I never experienced this feeling before.

"Bambina." I softly said as her brown eyes connected to my grey ones. "We're you watching me sleep, weirdo." She said with a raspy giggle before getting up.

She got out the bed as my shirt rided up making her black laced panties show but she quickly pulled my shirt down.

I never knew she was working with that much ass, I mean it's so big when she wears pants and all but damn without pants it looks like it grew.

I followed after her as I looked down to see my imprint showing through the fabric.

I stretched before standing behind her to grab my toothbrush. I pressed against her making her gasp lightly making me chuckle.


She wore a white sundress with her hair in a slick back. She was gorgeous.

"Your staring again baby." She softly said and I raised my eyebrows. "I'm baby now?" I asked and she smiled and shrugged.

"Are you?" She said before biting her bottom lip. I nodded my head, "you know I am Amara." I lowly said as I went to approach her.

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