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Zade de capri

We only did 2 rounds because she tapped out. I guess I went to hard on her in the bathtub to where she couldn't handle it no more and jump out the bathtub.

Her Pussy was the best I've had. It was fat, tight, just so good.

I held onto her waist tightly as our naked body's pressed against each other. I groaned once she pressed her ass against my hard.

"Baby." I whispered and she hummed. "Goodmorning, we'll good afternoon." I rasped and she slowly turned to face me.

"Good afternoon what time is it?" She asked. I looked at the clock reading 12pm.

"12:07." I whispered and she hummed again before resting her head closely to mine. "Do you want pills for your soreness?" I asked and she shook her head no.

"I'm okay. I just want to cuddle." She quietly said before snuggling with me. I loved her cuddles, they were so warm and comfortable.

I grabbed her ass cheek tightly making her squeal. She pulled away as I laid on my back. She quickly sat on my lap before snuggling her head in my neck.


"We have a importance dance to go to." I deeply said as she sat on my stool and twirled around.

"So a gala?" She said stopping with a big smile on her face. "Something like that." I said and she quickly got off the stool.

"Okay, I have to go out to get a dress then go back to my place to get my makeup." She stammered but I quickly picked her up and sat her down on the island.

"Wait here." I stated as she kicked her feet up and down. I went to the living room to get her dress and the makeup that I tried my best to match her skin tone.

I never knew how much makeup was. I walked back inside the kitchen and she gasped as I showed her the dress that she wanted when we were at the mall.

"You have the dress?" She said in shock and I nodded my head and handed it to her. "I tried my best to match your skin tone. If it isn't your shade then we can always go back to Sephora? Or whatever and you can pick whatever you want." I said as I placed down the makeup.

She froze before checking the makeup before looking up at me. "You did a good job baby! It's my shade." She happily said and jumped on me making me sign in relief.

"Good because I lost the receipt." I held onto her tightly making her laugh. She pulled away and looked at the makeup, "the Dior pallets wasn't necessary though but I'm so thankful for you." She said with a big smile.

"My mother said it wasn't really necessary but I wanted to get it because it was Dior." I said with a smirk and she shook her head.

"Of course Zade." She said giggling. "Get ready because we leave in 2 hours." I said making her groan.

"2 hours? That's the amount of time I finish my makeup!" She exclaimed. "Better get to it." I said with a smirk and she groaned again.


"Baby! Hurry up." I yelled out for the 100th time. "Shut up! I'm coming." She yelled back making me laugh.

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