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Zade de capri

3 months

We found out that Amara was 12 weeks into her pregnancy when we first found out. Now she's 5 and a half months pregnant and let's say she's a handful.

Her hormones are off the roof, she wants everything, if I don't give her what she wants then she cries and claim I think she's fat.

"Baby, please can we get Cinnabons." Amara said making me glance down at her as she looked up at me with a big smile.

I sighed and walked her over to Cinnabon. This is the 50th stop. She always needs to pee, sit down or eat but honestly I'm enjoying it.

We waited in line and Amara groaned. "Baby never mind, I'm not feeling Cinnabons anymore, can we get pretzels?" Amara softly said as we reached the cashier.

Wait for it.

I ordered me a Cinnabon even though I don't eat them because when we leave the line she will throw a fit that I didn't get her one and claim I don't love her.

I opened my Cinnabon and she was all over it. "Hey baby, can I have a bite?" She softly said and I chuckled and handed her the Cinnabon.

She squealed but then stopped making me furrow my eyebrows. "I need to pee." She quickly said making me tilt my head and she cracked up laughing.

"Just kidding." She gave a smile and continued to walk with her slightly protruding belly. I shook my head and wrapped my hand around her waist tightly.

"Can we stop in love shack fancy for dresses for our baby girl?" She asked and I nodded my head. We're having a baby girl which im excited about but my mother is going to go ballistic when I tell her.

My mother always wanted a girl but as you can see she didn't get her wishes.

I've already bought our babygirl Dior converses, onesies, shoes, bibs, van cleef bracelets, her whole room is decorated. She doesn't need nothing else but I'm doing all this for my girls.

"Do you think she will look cute in this dress?" Amara asked and I hummed and nodded my head as she showed me the pink ruffled dress.

"Okay what about th-"

"Get them all baby." I sighed out and she kissed my cheek before grabbing 10 dresses.


I sat on the couch as Amara was upstairs doing who knows what I'm our baby girl room. "Fuck!" She loudly yelled out making me bolt up the stairs.

I stormed into the room to see her holding her nail. I looked behind her seeing all the tools for her changing station that was wrongly built.

"What the hell are you doing? You know you don't touch tools nor build things babe." I cupped her cheeks as tears formed in her eyes.

"No, no don't cry. I didn't mean to cuss at you." I instantly comfort her and she buried her face in my neck.

She pulled away and showed me her broken nail. "Can I get my nails fixed?" She randomly asked not being sad anymore.

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