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Zade De capri

Her smell, her kisses, her touch, her everything had me melting. She's so- I don't know her heart is made out of pure gold.

She's what I need and I know that for a fact.

"Who stole from me?" I asked with rage as I walked inside my building. I am a CEO, a retired one.

I have enough money to last me 4 life times. Call me a billionaire but I don't like to tell people that.

That's why I haven't showed Amara my home, my cars. That's why I drive a basic black Range Rover around her.

I don't know if I can trust her but a part of me says I can trust her.

"Him." My assistant said making my head snap to Nico. Amaras ex boyfriend. "Well we meet again." He spat and I quickly threw a punch to his face causing him to groan.

He was tied up to a wooden chair. Besides him were a toolbox of tools I love to to use on people like him.

People who get over on me and take what's mine.

"First you hit on Amara now your stealing from me?" I said while having a big smile on my face before chuckling. He mirror my chuckle and I quickly grabbed a crow bar and hit im straight into his head making him stop chuckling.

"We're not laughing now are we?" I spat before I hit him again causing blood to drip down his shirt.

I threw the crow bar and sat down in the chair infront of him. "You think playing with my money is a fucking joke?" I yelled out as he smiled weakly.

I grabbed pliars and quickly took out his 2 front teeth and then his sides. I smiled as his bloody cries were music to my ears.

"Smile." I bluntly said as he spat blood out his mouth. He groaned and I smiled, "smile!" I yelled out before almost pulling out another tooth.

My phone rung stopping me making me step back and smile. "Your lucky." I growled out and noticed it was Derrick.

"What? I'm doing something." I sternly said clearly annoyed. I looked at Nico who was going in and out of consciousness.

I motioned to my men to wake him up. "Your parents are flying out here in a week. Just wanted to update you."

"What? Why?" I asked confusingly. "Something about your ex." Derrick said and I groaned.

"Alright thanks." I stated before he clicked off.


I got home around 11pm with a missed FaceTime call from Amara. After I got out the shower I wrapped my waist in my towel before calling her.

She immediately answered and her beautiful face well I should say forehead was in the camera making me laugh.

My phone was propped showing my full body. I dried my hair, "hi beautiful." I softly said and she smiled.

"Hi handsome." She gave a smile and propped up her camera making me see her baking cupcakes.

"Oh so you decided to make cupcakes while I'm not there?" I said as I dried my body with a separate towel.

She looked over in the camera and rolled her eyes, "your the one who had to leave early." She said as she bent over to put the cupcakes in the oven.

She exposed herself to me making the blood shoot in the right place. I glanced down to see my hard bulging through my towel.

"I know, and I'm sorry for leaving you so early so I want to make it up to you. Let me take you out?" I asked as I grabbed the phone and smiled.

She hummed and placed her hands on her hips. "Fine, I don't have any plans." She joked making me laugh.

"Be ready by 4pm tomorrow." I said and she nodded.

"I wish I could be with you right now." I said as I stepped out the frame to get dressed. "You know where I live Zade, your always welcomed." She softly said as I glanced over at the frame to see her biting her bottom lip.

"I might come over, we can watch your favorite movies?" I asked and she hummed and nodded. "I like the sound of that." She said as I popped back inside the frame with a black beater and grey sweats.

"Would you like anything from the store?" I asked. "Yes, ice cream. Strawberry please." She softly said as she smiled big.

"That all?" I asked as I slipped on Nike socks and my black tazman Uggs. "Yes, thank you."


I knocked on her door with the 3 tubs of strawberry ice cream and m&m's. She quickly opened the door and let me in.

"Hey beautiful." I said as she closed the door. I placed the ice cream on her island and I immediately turned around to see her smiling.

She quickly jumped on me and wrapped her legs around my waist. "Missed me?" I chuckled out and she nodded her eagerly.

I rubbed her back and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. She jumped off of me and went to place the ice cream in the freezer before grabbing the pink cupcakes but one stood out.

There was a black frosting one and she handed it to me. "Why the different color?" I asked as I took a bite and lord this was the best cupcake I've ever tasted.

She shrugged, "when I was cooking the cupcakes I just thought of you. You have this black aura that's so addictive, so I chose black." She softly said as I took down the cupcake.

"Your thinking about me now." I said with a smile and she walked over to me and stood between my legs.

"Is that a problem?" She asked and connected her thumb to the side of my mouth showing me the black frosting.

I wanted to suck the frosting off her thumb but I didn't know if she would be comfortable with it so I let it go.

She quickly sucked the frosting off making me tilt my head and smirk. "Oh?" I stated making her giggle.

I quickly tickled her sides making her squeal out loudly and hold onto my neck making her laugh uncontrollably.

I stopped tickling her as she slapped my chest repeatedly to stop. She grabbed the big bowl of popcorn as I went to sit on the couch.

She quickly ran inside her bedroom and came back out with a throw blanket as I picked out a movie.

She sat down besides me and threw the cover over both of us before placing the popcorn bowl on my lap.

I wrapped my hand around her waist tightly as she snuggled into my chest. She wanted to watch this stupid reality tv show, love is blind which I find stupid. They end up not lasting so what's the point?

I digged inside the popcorn and placed a popcorn to her mouth and she quickly took it with her mouth.

She chewed and did the same thing back to me. I'm growing feelings for Amara, hard feelings. To where the possessive in me wants to take over.


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