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Zade de capri

1 month later

Amara is still inside the hospital but is better. She did wake up but is hospitalized until she recover.

"Hey baby." I softly said as I held onto arias car seat.

We decided on the name Aria Lainey De capri. Well I should say Amara.

"Hey." She rasped as she sat up. I pecked her lips before pulling away but she grabbed my suit weakly and smashed her lips onto mine.

"Stop giving me pecks, I don't like that." She stated against my lips. "I'm sorry baby." I whispered before kissing her deeply.

She moaned in my mouth before slowly pulling away. "My mother is going to video call to see Aria and you." I softly said as I placed aria on the seat to unbuckle her.

I dressed her in a sage green romper that was slightly big on her since she was very tiny for her age. I fixed her white handband before giving her to her mama.

"Hi cutie, I see papa dressed you nice today... for once." Amara whispered making me chuckle. "But papa try's." Amara softly said as she looked at me.

Aria sucked on her little thumb as Amara kissed her all over. I sat down and closed my eyes from now having sleep at all.

Amara usually breast feed when she can and I go take it home to freeze the left overs. Her phone rung making me slowly open my eyes to see Amara and Aria looking over at me with the same look.

"Sorry baby, can you get that? So sorry." Amara hesitantly said and I nodded and stood up. We never talked about the situation where she pointed the gun at me or how we were on edge of ruining our relationship.

But aria fixed us.

I answered her phone to see Mila and Derrick with their baby boy Carter. "Where is my girl mar?" Mila spat and I rolled my eyes.

"This is why your last to see our baby in person." I spat back and handed the phone to Amara.

"Hey hon, how are you feeling?" Mila asked Amara as I looked at Aria who sucked on her thumb and rested her head on amaras chest.

"Good, happy that both my baby's are here." Amara softly said and I smiled and approached her to give her a kiss.

I smashed my lips onto hers and Mila gagged, "put the phone down." Mila spat making Amara giggle against my lips.

Ive been craving her 24/7. I haven't tasted her in months, I've been going mad.

I pulled away and bit my bottom lip. "I know your going mad, just be patient." She whispered before kissing the tip of my nose.

Aria started to fuss making me gently grab her and shush her. "It's okay principessa." I whispered but she threw up the milk I gave her earlier all over my fresh suit.

I chuckled and gave her to Amara. I took off my suit jacket and undershirt and turned my back towards Amara so I can grab my extra suit jacket in Arias diaper bag.

I turned around and amaras brown eyes were on my body. "Like what you see?" I chuckled out as she was practically drooling over me.

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