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Amara zealand

I loved Zades parents. They were so nice, welcoming and just supportive. I would kill to have parents like his.

I woke around 3 in the morning craving sweets. I hate when I get random sweet tooths especially at night because I can't fall back to sleep.

I slowly walked down the stairs and walked to the kitchen noticing Zade in grey sweats and a black beater on.

I never noticed he was out of bed because when I woke up I went straight to the stairs. He took a small sip of the alcohol which I'm assuming is whiskey from the brown liquor swishing in his cup.

"Hey." I quietly whispered and his head shot to mines before standing up instantly towering over me.

He opened his arms and I quickly jumped in his hold. I snuggled my face inside his neck as he rubbed my ass softly.

"Why are you up?" He asked. "Sweet tooth." I softly said and he chuckled. "Knew it." He said making me remove my face from his neck to look at him.

"How?" I asked in curiosity. "I would wake up to you not in bed. Then when I would look in the fridge all the strawberry ice cream would be gone." He said making me laugh.

"So I bought more strawberry ice cream just for you." He kissed my cheek and placed me on the island. He opened his humongous fridge showing all the tubs of ice cream making my mouth water.

"Give me!" I squealed as he grabbed the tub of ice cream and then went to get a spoon. He stood between my legs as I went to grab the tub but he moved it out of my way.

"Let me feed you." He whispered as he digged the spoon in the ice cream. I opened my mouth a took the ice cream off the spoon. He took another scoop but this time he ate it.

"Good huh?" I said with a smile and he quickly smashed his lips onto mine. I wrapped my hands around his neck tightly as his tongue slipped inside of my mouth.

I moaned as he held onto my waist dropping the ice cream. He pulled away and started placing sloppy kisses on my jaw and lower neck.

"Zade." I whispered before throwing my head back. "Hm?" He muffled before sucking on my skin making me hiss from the sweet assault.

I rubbed the back of his head as he placed marks on my skin. "Fuck." I quietly said as he pulled away fully.

He had a satisfied smirk on his face from what he did to my skin. "I want to take you shopping tomorrow, if that's okay?" Zade asked and I smiled and nodded my head.

He cupped my cheeks before placing a kiss on my forehead. "You dropped the ice cream." I said and looked down but was met with a big imprint of his dick.

"Don't look at him, look at the ice cream on the floor that you were so worried about." He teased making me look up at him and slap his chest.

"Oh shut up." I playfully rolled my eyes and hopped of the counter. I brushed past him to grab a cup but I couldn't reach it.

"Why did you have to be so tall and have these cabinets so high up." I groaned out and he chuckled before pressing against me to grab the glass cup.

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