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Zade de capri

I threw a punch to the random man in my rink sending him to ground. "Get up!" I yelled out before sending another punch to his face.

I kept throwing punches until Derrick grabbed me. "Your going to kill him! Look at him!" Derrick yelled as I glanced down at his pulp bloodly face.

I threw my bloodly gloves and brushed him off of me.

"Fuck off." I gritted out as he followed me. "Yo Z what-"

"I said fuck off." I yelled out and turned to him. He furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. "What happened with Amara."


I took down the vodka as I approached my family home in a suit. I opened the door and closed it revealing my mother, dad, and brother.

I took down the rest of the vodka and tossed it making it shatter on the floor as they all looked at me crazy.

"What?" I slurred as I walked to the alcohol cabnit. I looked through it noticing all the hard liquor is gone so I grabbed the half drunk whiskey bottle.

"Son, enough." My father said and grabbed the whiskey bottle. "I can drink how much I want." I slurred before slamming my hands on the counter.

I pulled out my phone and called Amara for the 200th time. Voicemail. I yelled out and threw my phone before looking down.

"What happened son?" My mother asked as she rubbed my back. "What do you think? Take a wild guess." I spat and brushed her off of me.

I sat down on the couch as my brother looked over at me before shaking his head. "What? Why the fuck are you shaking your head! I just lost my fucking happiness." I yelled out and ran my fingers through my messy slick back.

My mother sat besides me and forced me to rest my head on her lap. "Shush son. It's going to be fine." My mother whispered in my ear making my sob finally release.

I never felt like this before. Loosing a woman who really meant something to me.

"I lost her ma." I sobbed out loudly. "No you didn't son" my mother whispered over and over.


Amara Zaeland
2 day later

My eyes were puffy out of all doors, I never felt like this with a man. Hell the last time I cried about a man was when I was with Nico.

To comfort myself I watched love is blind while eating strawberry ice cream until a knock came from my door.

I removed the cover off of me and walked to the door. I peeped through the peephole to see Zade brother.

I sighed and opened the door. "Yes?" I asked plainly. "I'm sorry to bother but can I speak with you."

"From right here yes."

"This is going to be quick  but whatever my brother has done to you he's sorry. I've never seen him cry before until now. He's been drinking his mind away, bottle after bottle, slamming things, random outburst, crying on my mother lap. You don't have to take my brother back but please just answer a call... please." Hades said as I looked up at him with tired eyes.

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