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"Okay you guys sit" Mindy told us all, taking our seats at the benches. Ethan sat next to me while Mindy began to pace back and forth.

"The killers last time were whiny, snowflake, film nerd with letteredbox accounts instead of personalities, you can bet the opposite will be true this time," Ethan raised his eyebrows as Mindy began.

"Anyone in the friend group can be a ghostface or a victim of ghostface. Which brings us to our current suspects."

"Wait- am I in the friend group?" Ethan stuttered looking at me.

Everyone nodded. "Ethan of course you are" I gave him a smile.

"Am I going to die a virgin?" Ethan said worryingly. Everyone was silent. I tried to hide my laugh although he noticed because he nudged my shoulder.

"Alright!" Mindy said looking at Ethan with a weird face. Mindy walked over to Ethan.

"Ethan, the shy and dorky guy who no one suspects because he's just so shy and dorky," Mindy said. Ethan looked offended. Out of all people Ethan would be on the bottom of the list. He's scared to even talk to girls, why he would kill people. Ethan Landry a serial killer? Absolutely not. I shrugged the idea out of my head.

"Okay wait, why am I on the suspect list? Because I'm randomly Chad's roommate?" Ethan pointed at Chad.

"Roommate lotteries can be juked. You could have fixed it to get next to us" Mindy yelled at Ethan. He only rolled his eyes, giving me an annoyed look. Mindy made her way over to me.

"Y/n, my roommate, it just so happens that you're my roommate?" Mindy said.

"Woah so you're basically telling me the same thing you told Ethan 'Roommate lotteries can be juked. You could have fixed it to get next to us' ?" Mindy nodded

"Yeah, speaking of which it's so clearly obvious you and Ethan like each other and we all know that it is very common for the serial killing duo to be dating."

Both me and Ethan looked at Mindy with an annoyed look then we looked at each other. I didn't even notice my cheeks getting hot. Maybe it was the anger of my own roommate not trusting me or what Mindy said about me and Ethan. I noticed Ethans cheeks also got red.

"Okay, but we aren't dating" Ethan said pointing at me, I nodded agreeing.

Mindy laughed "not yet but just wait."

"Mindy you would know if it was me we share the same room you know I never leave unless I'm forced out." I told her. Mindy's smile had fallen.

"Chad would know too, I never leave unless I have to go to school, we're clear Mindy." Ethan said looking at me and then back at Mindy.

"You guys should just start dating at this point," Mindy said walking towards Quinn.

I looked at Ethan whose cheeks were flushed with red. Maybe Mindy made him mad.

"Quinn, the slutty roommate, the horror movie classic"

"Sex positive but thank you..?"

"Mhm, how did you come to live with Sam and Tara?"

"I answered an ad online..?" Quinn furrowed her eyebrows

"Say no more you already implicated yourself enough" Mindy let out a laugh.

Pretty much Mindy went all out to say "hey don't trust the new guys" to everyone. Although I feel like the killer is not in the group it feels weird to even think they might be and will be going against us. I rather think ghostface is anybody else but them.

We all headed to our classes after that and Ethan shared the next class so we walked together. I knew now we could talk more freely without caring what our friends would say. Me and Ethan loved being alone. We knew we would be more open and comfortable talking about anything.

"I don't think it's you," I told him, breaking the silence.

"What?" He said surprised.

"I don't think you're ghostface"

"You're definitely not ghostface " He smiled sarcastically.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him.

"You literally threatened me with a knife at the party the other day, angel?" He said as he stopped from walking.

"Oh come one you can't be serious. You think I'm ghostface?" I said with a shocked expression.

"I'm kidding, I know you're not ghostface." He said starting to walk again.


"I know your not, y/n"

Angel- Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now