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I began to back away from him knowing I had nowhere to go and I was completely trapped.

"I won't kill you, don't be scared" He said as he walked closer to me.

"Drop the knife" I spat out. He immediately with no hesitation dropped the knife on the floor putting his hands up.

"Are you the same one from the other day or is it the other ghostface?" As much as I hated ghostface I was so anxious to know who he was after he told me he loved me.

"It's me, angel," He said as he stopped walking.

"Who are you really?" I began to back away from him as much as possible but I was against a wall and I could only hear muffled screaming from Sam and Tara.

"Wouldn't that ruin the fun, love?" He tilted his head.

"Why do you love me? I mean you barely know me?"

"Oh...y/n there's countless reasons why I love you. If I were to name each one of the reasons we would be here all day, darling." He said, raising his hand toward the side of my face.

All of a sudden Kirby's yell was heard. I took this opportunity to escape from ghostface since he was distracted. Running out of the room I saw Sam and Tara in the middle of the room with bricks in their hands and Kirby with a gun.

"Stay the fuck back!" Sam yelled at her and she began to walk towards them hurt.

"We know it's you Kirby" Tara said as they both began to walk away from her. I went to both Sam and Tara's side.

"No..one of them knocked me out." Kirby said, wincing in pain.

"Wasn't one of them with you guys?" I asked Sam and Tara.

"Yes and the other one was with you right?" Tara asked me. I looked quickly at the small room me and ghostface were in a few moments ago but he was completely gone.

"Kirby stop!" A voice said from the other end of the theater. Both Kirby and Mr.Bailey were pointing their guns at each other. "Get away from the girls!"

"Did you kill Quinn?" Mr.Bailey said. "Did you kill my daughter!"

"Jesus Christ....whatever he's saying don't listen to him he's probably the killer." Right when Kirby said that one of the ghostfaces started walking towards Mr.Bailey.

"Behind you!" Kirby yelled but Mr.Bailey shot Kirby. Ghostface just stood there next to Mr.Bailey.

"Great job, both of you" Both ghostface's came to each side of Mr.Bailey.

"You?" Tara said.

"Of course, I expected more from the two of you" Mr.Bailey looked at Sam and Tara.

"And you," Mr.Bailey looked at me with a smirk, "You were blinded by your own love."

"What?!?" I yelled at him. Mr.Bailey looked at one of the ghostface giving him a nod. I noticed it was my ghostface since he was relatively taller than the other and the mask was more beat up.

As soon as the mask had uncovered his face my heart sank. It felt like my heart had been stabbed multiple times and the blood in my body was slowly draining away. Ethan, my Ethan. The same guy I was about to kiss a few hours ago, the same ghostface that told me he was in love with me. He never dared to hurt me but he's hurting me now. I didn't know what to say. It was like my brain was telling me to say all these things but my heart wouldn't let me. My body wanted to hit him but my heart wouldn't let me.

"You..." I was finally able to say.

"Yes angel." He said with a smile plastered on his face.

"You're a piece of shit you know that!" I yelled at him.

Angel- Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now