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We all went to the hospital. Gale got attacked and was in serious condition. We were all on the couch waiting for good news from the doctors. Ethan noticed my worried expression and held my hand giving me a small smile.

"He's going to keep coming for us," Sam said, starting to cry.

"Isn't there somewhere the same we can just hold up in?" Ethan asked, Mindy gave him a dirty look.

"He's going to keep finding us," I said.

After we called Mr.Bailey he thought it was a good idea to go to the old theater where we could kill ghostface. He told us the best way to get there was going through public transport since going all in one car would be risky.

We all thought it was a good idea to cool off today and decide to follow the plan tomorrow. After today we all thought it was obvious ghostface wasn't going to attack twice.

Since last time we slept over together we thought we should sleep separately and if anything happens we would know who to go to without putting everyone at risk. Mindy being Mindy went with Chad, she didn't trust Ethan with Chad and she didn't trust me. Tara and Sam went to their apartment. I stayed at my dorm and Ethan stayed with one of his classmates from Econ.

It was around nine o'clock and I still couldn't go to sleep. I just felt so worried and stressed with everything that's been happening I don't even have time for myself. I decided to go ahead and listen to some music to try to fall asleep.

All of a sudden my phone rang. I checked the number and it was an unknown caller, I quickly turned my phone off and put my phone away. As soon as I put my phone down my phone rang again and again. I quickly looked at the small peep hole on the door, noting. I ran to the window and locked it.

The phone kept ringing.

Opening the drawers one by one checking for knives.

The phone kept ringing.

I finally picked up.

"What do you want?" I yelled.

"Took you so long to answer, are you busy?" ghostface asked.

"If you want to hurt me, hurt me just don't hurt my friends" I walked up to my window looking at Chad and Mindy's window.

"Oh why would I want to hurt you Y/n I told you I would never hurt you."

"Then why did you call? Why do you keep calling me? Why don't you leave me and my friends alone?"

"Your friends need to pay for what they did '' He said in an angry tone.

"What do you mean?"

"Sam and Tara did things..." He said in a low voice.

"Hurt me just don't hurt them please."

"My love I would never hurt you, what part of that don't you understand?" He said, footsteps being heard from the other side of the door.

"Leave me alone" My voice trembled in panic as the door was clicking open revealing Ghostface. I quickly ran to the window trying to pry it open but it was glued shut leaving my only way out being the door which he had gone through. Hand still gripping my phone and the other clenching my knife slowly backing away from a ghostface who wasn't moving from the door frame or even trying to attack me.

Why was I so scared? He wasn't moving at all. He was just there watching me as I imagined myself being carved up with his knife.

"Why aren't you doing anything?" I asked slightly shocked.

"Why do you expect me to hurt you?" We both stayed quiet.

"But your ghostface you kill people you don't save people" I said slightly letting go of the panic I had.

"Its because y/n I......some people deserve to be hurt others don't"

"Then why did you kill Anika and Quinn? They didn't deserve that." I yelled at him. He began to walk towards me, closing the door behind him.

"I know you must hate me but it's part of the plan and they just got in the way." He said getting close to me. I clenched the knife.

"What's your motive?" I spat out.

"You y/n" He said softly, grabbing my hand and gently pulling the knife away from me. I quickly clenched my hand before he could fully take it away from me.

"Y/n you're not a killer we both know this." He said putting one of his hands on one side of my face and the other putting the knife down and grabbing my hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked, noticing the tension and the lack of space between both of us.

" I think i'm truly and madly in love with you, angel."

Angel- Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now