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"Ethan, are you okay?!" I was panicking seeing Ethan lay down with multiple stabs around his chest. It was hard to tell how many there were because of the black fabric covering his chest.

"Don't worry about me, I'm okay" He said, trying to stand up again.

"Ethan don't try to get up, you're hurt."

"Y/n I'm okay are you okay?" Ethan said with concern in his eyes. He cared more about me than himself.

"Ethan it's not about me you're going to lose a lot of blood-"

"Y/n listen to me, I care about you more than everybody in the world. I love you more than you could ever imagine. You are my motive for living. You" he whispers, "you destroy me, Y/n. I want you. I want all of you. I want you, inside and out. I do want you to be my friend. I want to be the friend you fall in love with. I want you to know that no matter what I will always be here for you because I love you, Y/n " he says, "I'm so desperately in love with you." He said caressing the side of my face with his hand. "Y/n, my love, I'm okay. Stay here, I have to finish something." He said looking at me finally standing up looking at Sam who was trying to help Tara up.

I had a bad feeling about what was going to happen. Sam had already killed Richie; they were no strangers to killing ghostface.

Ethan's Pov

From the corner of my eye I saw Y/n run up to the stage. If it weren't for Tara hanging I would have ran to Y/n. I could hear my dad yelling at me to kill Tara while Mindy was making her way to Sam. I didn't want to kill them but knowing that my brother's blood was all over Sam's hands makes my blood boil.

The only thing that's keeping me going is Y/n. Knowing that she's not completely mad with me makes me have hope in a future for both of us. I meant everything I said to her and I wanted her to know that because without her my life would make no sense.

Quinn made her way up to Sam making her knife scratch along the railing.

"Sam let me go!" Tara yelled at Sam but Sam only shook her head not wanting to let her go, knowing I would kill her.

"Sam trust me, let me go" Sam gave Tara a knife from the side of her pocket. Tara landed right in front of me so I took the opportunity to stab her stomach. Tara clenched her Knife in pain. Tara raised her knife up to me but before she could stab me a ghostface behind her began to stab her in her back. Tara let go of her knife falling to the floor. The ghostface still stabbing Tara until Tara wasn't able to stand up.

"Who the hell is that!" Dad shouted out looking at the ghostface who was looking down at Tara on the floor.

Ghostface looked up at Sam whose expression was pale and filled the room with sobs. Ghostface started to head to where Sam was and I followed them.

"Looks like you lost a sister, how does it feel to lose someone you love?" Quinn asked Sam to get close to her. Stabbing her on her stomach.

"Who's your other ghostface?" Sam asked, holding her stomach. Ghostface stood right beside me before they pulled the mask off to reveal Y/n. My y/n.

"Y/n!?! What the fuck!" Sam yelled at her as she started to make her way to Sam.

"You know what Sam? Bailey was right. After this everybody will think that it's you because Sam is Billy's daughter and everybody knows that Billy Loomis is a crazy serial killer so wouldn't his daughter turn out the same. After all, aren't you going insane?" Y/n said tilting her head. I didn't expect this from her but I love it.

"You and your crazy boyfriend. Mindy was right you guys are fucking crazy." Sam spat out, Y/n stabbed her on her stomach.

"What the fuck did you do to her?" Sam asked me with a disgusted face. I clenched my jaw.

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled, clenching my knife.

"You know what Sam, I think we've had enough of you. It's time for you to die." Dad smiled, giving Quinn and me a nod. Both of us started to stab Sam, Y/n only watched but I coil tell that she started to feel bad hearing Sam cry and yell.

Y/n started to walk to where Sam was on the floor looking at her with an emotionless face.

"Why?" Sam whispered to Y/n. Y/n tilted her head slightly looking at Sam.

"We all go a little mad sometimes" Y/n whispered back to her before she finally stabbed Sam in the chest, killing her. 

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