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When I was finally let out of the hospital me and Ethan went back to our normal lives. We went back to our school trying to avoid any questions regarding ghostface although we would get looks and whispers from people. I would occasionally stay in Ethans dorm since he was alone now that Chad was gone.

We would watch movies, eat dinner, and take walks along the park on some days; others we would go around as ghostface scaring people here and there. Usually people in our classes or teachers.

Tonight I stayed at my dorm which I've spent alone for the past months because of Mindy's absence. Ever since Chad's death I haven't seen her. Recently she's been trying to text me saying things like 'Killer' or 'you killed them'. I've tried to brush them away every time I see the messages. I know I killed Sam but I had to . What was I supposed to do to let Ethan die?

Scrolling through my phone on my bed looking for possible books to read this weekend, endless homework assignments i've missed, and various of playlist i've sent Ethan I got a message.

'You know what you did bitch.'

I ignored the message.

'I'll get you for this'

I ignored the message.

'You are your psycho killing boyfriend are fucked up'

A loud bang on the door was heard. I looked through the window to see if it was Ethan but his dorm light was on meaning he was there. The door banged again.

"Open the fucking door murderer!" Mindy yelled from the other side of the door. I texted Ethan telling him who was at my dorm. I walked to the door, opening it.

"Hey Mindy" I greeted her with a smile.

"Don't 'Hey Mindy' me. I know you killed Tara, Sam, Kirby and Chad." she yelled with tears in her eyes.

"Mindy, that's not true" I told her, trying to calm her down.

"Stop lying. Stop covering that mother fucker." Mindy spat talking about Ethan.

"Mindy, me and Ethan weren't even at the theater everybody knows that" I told her.

"You might have fooled everyone else but you can't fool me Y/n. I knew Ethan was the killer before you and I warned you about him but you never listened and now you're fucking blind you can't see he's ruined you." She yelled at me.

"Look Mindy if you're here to call me fucking stupid and talk shit you should go. Unless you came to get your stuff I think you should go." I told her to push her out the door. Ethan suddenly came to the door.

"Oh hey Mindy," he said with a small smile.

"Great both ghostface are here" she said turning to me then Ethan, "ill prove to everyone that you guys killed my brother" She said pointing at both of us. Ethan looked at me then Mindy.

"Yeah and it felt fucking good to kill him." He whispered with a smirk, handing her bag back to her before she left. 

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