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Ethan's Pov

I quickly picked her up in my arms running to the door. As soon as I was at the door dad and Quinn saw me with their eyes widened when they saw her in my arms.

"Shit what happened!" Quinn yelled at me with concerned eyes. I couldn't help but to let out my tears without a single word being able to escape me.

"Hurry get her into the car" dad ran outside to the car.

"Where are we going?" Quinn asked dad.

"The hospital." He said sternly.

It hits me with a painful force, the reminder of just how much I love her. Knowing that she might not make it made me want to punch a wall. I couldn't live without her, as weird as it sounded but it was true. She meant the world to me and knowing that she wouldn't be with me drove me crazy. I wanted to be better for her. For her happiness. For her future.  I don't want to live in a world without her.

When we got to the hospital dad told me and Quinn to stay in the car, he was going to take Y/n to the emergency room.


Y/n Pov

I woke up in a hospital bed. I don't remember much but I knew that I wasn't supposed to be here. I looked to my side to see Ethan reading a book.

"Is that for 'econ'" I said sarcastically ,pointing at his book.

"Y/n! Thank god you're awake." he said with a big smile on his face. All of his blood from the fight was gone.

"Ethan we shouldn't be here" I told him worryingly.

"I know but we aren't leaving until you're fine. The doctor said you'd be out of here after you woke up and were okay" He grabbed my hand.

"Ethan but your cuts and everything it's dangerous." I whispered to him.

"No Y/n, my dad said you got assaulted and he's a big part of the police so obviously they bought it." He told me. I tried to trace back to what happened but all I could remember was Tara and Sam.

"What happened to Sam and Tara?" I whispered.

"Dad took care of that. See Y/n we can finally be together just me and you." He smiled. I smiled back, slowly remembering what Tara had said.

"Ethan, can I ask you something but you promise you won't get mad with me." I asked him.

"Of course, anything," He said.

"Is it true? What Tara said yesterday?" His smile faded.

"why don't you understand?" he looks at me with his eyes full of pain glued to mine which makes my heart flutter.

"Understand what-" I said trying to look away from his eyes but I couldn't.

"I love you, more than anything" He said, holding both of my hands on his.

"Y/n I have done everything to prove to you I love you and I'll continue to prove my love to you. Yesterday, today and tomorrow." He placed a small kiss on my lips.

The television suddenly moved from a show to a news reporter.

"Tragedy at a museum. Today the bodies of Tara Carpenter, Chad Meeks-Martin and Kirby Reed have been found dead after a ghostface murder. After several investigations the serial killer has been unmasked as the one and only Samantha Carpenter whose father Billy Loomis has previously been a ghostface. Samantha had been found lifeless at the scene wearing a ghostface costume leading all suspicions to her." The reporter kept going and kept talking about the theater and everyone who was found. I looked at Ethan who was already looking at me. He immediately turned the television off.

"What does this mean?" I asked him.

"That we got away with it" He whispered with a smirk.

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