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"I didn't know you had it in you kid" Bailey started to walk towards me putting his hand on my shoulder and his other on Ethan's. When he finally left Quinn's side it was just me and Ethan.

"Why did you do that?" He looked at me. Almost trying to read my mind.

"I don't know, I guess I never stopped loving you. Part of me wanted to hate you but it was hard to hate you when I was already madly in love with you." I looked down to my hands that were covered in Sam's blood. I felt Ethans finger on my chin moving my gaze to meet him.

"I love you, Y/n. I will love you for the rest of my life. I hope you know that" He said, placing his lips on mine. It was a slow kiss that turned into a passionate one. It was  a kiss we've been wanting ever since we met each other. No matter how many times he'd tell me he loved me this kiss meant it. It locked every single promise, every single "I love you". Even though he wasn't the same Ethan Landry I walked into this theater with, it was definitely the same Ethan that I loved. I knew that Ethan would love me no matter what, he knew everything about me and I knew him. He would never break my heart. We both broke away from the kiss with a smile on both of our faces.

"Wait, are you still going to be a ghostface?" I asked him.

"What- no...well..." he smirked. I playfully hit his shoulder starting to walk down stairs.

"What? You know... we'd make a pretty good team" He yelled at me from the other side of the theater.

"Right. I killed one person and I'm the perfect ghostface." I said putting the ghostface mask I grabbed back into its mannequin and closing the glass box. Suddenly I felt arms wrapped around my waist.

" You don't need to kill more than 1 person for me to know that you're the one for me" he whispered in my ear. Suddenly a noise was heard from the other side of the theater. Immediately Ethan let go of me and turned around.

"Maybe it's Quinn or your dad," I told Ethan, looking around and seeing nobody.

"Doubt it, they went to hide the bodies." He said pulling out his knife. We both began to walk down the stage onto the lower part. Trying to see if there was nobody but it was empty. I turned to look at Ethan who was focused on the exits.

"Ethan it's nothing, we're okay." I said, grabbing his hand gently. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Ethan immediately turned around, widening his eyes. His eyes changed quickly from light to dark. I felt another sharp pain on the same spot. I looked down to see blood starting to leave my body soaking my clothes red. Tears in my eyes and my hands holding my stomach.

Ethan's Pov

I turned around to see Y/n bleeding out, her life slipping away as the knife was pulled out of her stomach. As much as I wanted to hold her, my gaze moved to the figure behind her.


Tara was already losing blood from her previous stabs but she still had strength. I started to walk towards her clenching my knife. Although Y/n thought she had already killed Tara, nobody really dies until you make sure they're gone for good.

Tara began to run away from me but I was faster. I began to catch up to her stabbing her around her stomach going up to her shoulders.

"What did you do to her?" Tara asked me caughting me off guard.

"What?" I yelled at her.

"She could never love you." He gazed moving to Y/n who was sitting on the floor pressing her hands on her stab.

"What are you talking about Tara?" I clenched my jaw.

"Come on Ethan, we both know she only loves you right now because she doesn't want you to kill her." She spat out weakly.

"Fuck you!" I yelled at her once more.

"Y/n!" Tara yelled. I turned around to see Y/n turn to see Tara.

"Y/n...you know you don't love Ethan you just want him to keep you alive, you know deep down you're afraid of him because he's obsessed with you." Tara said, Y/n did not respond.

"Ethan doesn't really love you Y/n. He only loves you because he's trying to fill a part of him that needs love." Tara finally said. My anger boiled at each word that came from her mouth. I finally stabbed Tara for good. I checked her pulse. Nothing, perfect. I stood up again and turned to Y/n. I began to run to where she was 

"Y/n" I said, getting closer to her.

"Yn." I finally lowered myself to her.

"Y/n?" I saw that she wasn't responding nor moving.

"Y/N!" I yelled looking at her as she kept losing blood and wasn't moving. I touched her pulse and tears started to flood out.


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