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The tracker stopped at a hotel. It wasn't far from where we were which would be easier to put the plan into action, once we had one. I wasn't one hundred percent through the idea of attacking Mindy but it had to happen.

"Are you guys ready?" Mr.Bailey said looking at Ethan, Quinn, and me.

"Yeah I'll take these," Quinn said, handing her dad a bag full of stuff like knives and other types of weapons.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked me with concerned eyes.

"Yeah, ready. Are you?" I asked him nervously.

"Don't worry about me, you're more important." He said, nudging my shoulder lightly.

Ethan's Pov

I knew Y/n was nervous and I knew she didn't want to do it but we had to. I didn't want this for her, I wanted me and her to live a life together without having to worry about people looking at us or thinking we are killers.

On the ride to the hotel it was silent but every time I would spare a glance to Y/n I could see how much it killed her to know Mindy would die. I gently grabbed her hand knowing it would help her forget about it.

I loved trying to read her mind. Sometimes it would be obvious what she was thinking and sometimes it wasn't. I loved trying to know what she was thinking and trying to solve a way to fix all that's going on in her head. The best part of falling in love with Y/n was knowing that she will always bring the best of me. No matter the day , high or low, I knew she would always be there. Talking, laughing, crying, yelling, or in silence I knew that my heart was at the right place. She reminded me of home but unlike home, where I would constantly fight with my dad or my sister, she made me feel safe. I never feel like wasting time when I'm with Y/n. We could sit in silence for hours and it would still feel full and good and necessary.

"I have a bad feeling about this Ethan" Y/n whispered to me breaking the silence.

"Why?" I whispered back.

"I don't know, I just feel like something is going to happen." She said quietly.

"Y/n as long as I'm there nothing will ever happen to you" I said to her with a smile.

"Ethan, I'm worried about you. I know you've done this before but I have a bad feeling something will happen to you" she said looking at me with a worried expression. Which she's had since yesterday.

"I will be fine. With you by my side nothing could ever happen to me."

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