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Me and Ethan walked in and saw Tara, Sam and Chad walking around.

"How's Mindy?" Chad asked worriedly.

"She's okay, she's at the hospital." I gave Chad a reassuring smile.

"She's going to be okay Chad, the doctor told us she was okay." I told him, giving him a small hug.

"Yeah it's just i'm scared for her, for everyone" Chad looked around but his eyes landed on Tara who was walking towards a small room.

"I'll be right back," Chad said following Tara into the room. My eyes began to trail around the theater.

I looked at Ethan who was looking at the ghostface cloaks.

"Hey" I said as we both stood in front of Billy Loomis' cloak.

"Who's your favorite?" I ask him, seeing a smile appear on his face.

"Billy Loomis, he's the original." He pointed at the glass which had Billy's original cloak.

"If you were a ghostface, who would you wear?" Ethan asked me starting to walk around looking at each individual cloak.

"Tough choice but I have to agree it all goes back to Billy and Stu" I pace around.

"Who would you kill if you were ghostface?" Ethan said with each word getting quieter than the last.

"Why are you asking?" I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"I know who I would kill," He said, avoiding my question.

"I would kill every single person that has ever doubted me, people who deserve to die, people who have hurt me, people who have hurt you." I felt shivers every time he mentioned a reason to kill. Each time he listed things his voice got angrier and stronger.


"Remember the guy who got killed first?" Ethan said, cutting me off.

"Jason Carvey?"

"He's the guy that used to flirt with you huh" Ethan said with an angry tone clenching his jaw.

"Ethan what are you trying to say?" Before Ethan could respond I heard a scream from Tara, I quickly turned around to see movement in a small room across the theater. When I turned around Ethan was gone.

I quickly ran to Tara and Sam who were screaming and crying. Chad was being attacked by ghostface. Chad quickly pushed ghostface and we all ran to back to theater.

"There's an exit over there" I pointed at the small door that was open on top of the seats on the second floor. Before we could manage to the stairs a second ghostface appeared and pushed Tara out of the way. He began to hit and tried to stab Chad.

"Smile for the camera mother fucker" chad grabbed an old camera throwing it at ghostface trying to make time for us to escape.

We all began to run through the stage all the way to what was an old snack area. Ghostface tried to push and stab Chad again but Chad was too strong and had ghostface on the floor. Before Chad could finally kill him the second ghostface came behind him and began to stab Chad.Taras pleading and crying being the loudest and painful thing in the small room.

Both ghostfaces were killing Chad in front of us. They both finally let go of Chad whose body was limb on the floor. Then both wiped their knives at the same time now facing us as they began to run.

Tara and Sam began to find an exit leaving me behind. Noticing how close ghostface was to me I decided to lead ghostface towards me so sam and tara could have more time.

"Where are you going!" Tara screamed at me, noticing me going another way.

"You guys go! Leave!" I yelled. I quickly ran to a room not knowing where it was going to leave. The room had no exit. When I turned around one one ghostface was there and he was ready to attack me.

Angel- Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now