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We arrived at the hotel. I felt the same nerves I did the day I entered the theater with Ethan when we were going to kill ghostface, that felt like forever ago.

Mr.Bailey and Quinn decided to take a head start and go to the hotel and look for Mindy. Me and Ethan waited in the car. Anxiously sitting in the car fidgeting with my fingers waiting for a signal from Quinn to tell us to go in. From the corner of my eye I would constantly catch glances of Ethan looking at me.

I've been in love with Ethan for a while now. Ever since I met him I felt like me and him had this connection. I will love him each day and everyday like the first day I fell in love with him. Every time I look at him I find joy and happiness. He's everything I could've asked for and even on the days that he tells me that he doesn't deserve me I always think it's the other way around. He's the best part of my day. I love knowing that everyday I will see him on text, outside my window, or knocking on my door waiting to tell me all the things he has on his mind. Good and bad. His favorite character in a movie, deep meanings in his favorite songs, stories he saw online and so much more. I love hearing him rant on everything that runs on his mind. I love listening to his voice as he talks passionately about things he loves. I love the ways his eyes shine every time he mentions me to his friends.  I love all of him. Every time he calls me my love, darling, sweetheart, and angel it makes me fall in love with him more. I've never felt this for someone before but I'm glad it was with him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He said with a cheeky smile as I realized I had been staring at him.

"No I haven't, I'm looking through the window" I smiled back.

"Right so you're telling me you're in love with the tree outside." He pointed at the tree letting out a small laugh.

"Maybe I am, it's a white jasmine tree." I said looking at its small pink flowers starting to bloom.

"How do you know it's a white jasmine tree?" Ethan said looking outside the window.

"My parents used to have one in our front yard. They used to love that tree." I remembered the tree who would bloom its small flowers and be scratched around the front of our house during spring.

"When we live together and get our own home i'll make sure we'll have a white jasmine tree" He smiled at me.

"You know Ethan, I never hated you" I said putting my head on his shoulder.

"I know you didn't." He said quietly.

"I don't think I could ever hate you Ethan." I said. Ethans phone began to vibrate from the side of his pocket.

"Let's go" He said, pulling the door open and leading me into the hotel.

Angel- Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now