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I catched one last glance of Ethan before I began to make my way to the elevator. Tears streamed down my face knowing that Ethan didn't make it. The ride on the elevator felt cold and long. My mind ran through every possible thought.

I should've been stabbed.

I should've died.

I ruined everything.

It's my fault.

The elevator suddenly stopped moving and once the doors opened I quickly ran towards the doors trying to find Mr. Bailey and Quinn.

"Hurry!" I heard Quinn yell. I ran towards them getting into the car.As soon as I closed the door. Mr. Bailey started to go.

"Where's Ethan?" Mr. Bailey said frustrated. Quinn turned towards him and gave him a sad look.

"Where is my son!" He demanded. Nor Quinn or I responded for a moment until a quiet sob escaped Mr.Bailey.

"What happened to him?" He whispered.

"Mindy stabbed him right when he stabbed her and..." I choked up, unable to speak. The rest of the ride was quiet. Mr. Bailey did not speak the rest of the ride until he told us the rest of the plan.

"You will go back to your room Y/n, Quinn you go home. I will go back and try to see if anything is there, if Ethan is there.....I will clean up and check to see what the police found." He stopped outside of the building where I lived. I gave him a nod and told him to call me as soon as anything happened.

I didn't lose hope. I believed deep down he was still alive. When I left the room he was still alive. But he was tired and losing blood. When I got to my dorm I decided to clean myself up and try to think of ways to forget what happened.

I listened to music, watched television, began to read books, and watched videos. I tried doing every single thing I wouldn't usually do but everything reminded me of him. I never knew I'd miss him so much. I didn't know how much space he owned in my life.

Impatiently I waited for anything to pop up in my phone. I wanted calls from Mr.Bailey, messages saying he was alive. But hours passed and nothing came up but I didn't lose hope because I knew he was my angel and I was his. 

Angel- Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now