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The rest was a blur. The last thing I remember is Chad breaking through the door and pushing Ghostface, grabbing my wrist and leaving.

In the morning everybody got medical attention. Anika's body got picked up as well as Quinns. Mr. Bailey was devastated. I couldn't imagine what it felt like for him to lose two of his kids.

Ethan finally came from Econ. He was completely in shock seeing the ambulances, cops, and yellow caution tape. At his sight Chad immediately ran and pushed Ethan onto the car.

"Where were you?" Chad aggressively told Ethan.

"What? When?"

"Last night!" Chad pushed Ethan into the car.

"What- I had Econ you know this" Ethan spat out.

"Bull shit man! You almost got all of us killed!" Chad yelled

"Dude I was in a study hall with a hundred other people you can ask any of them" Ethan put his hands up, Chad finally let go of him.

"Oh my god..." Ethan looked over "who?"

"Anika and Quinn," Chad said walking off angrily. Ethan started to walk towards Mindy, Tara, and me in the ambulance.

"Mindy, I'm so sorry" Ethan said, his voice cracking in pain.

"Stay the fuck back" Mindy spat out. "Your at the top of my list"

"I had Econ, '' Ethan said defensively. He looked at me, nobody believed him.

"Y/n..." He said looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"What happened- did he hurt you- omg I'm so sorry" He said sitting next to me.

"I'm okay. I'm just kind of in shock. I mean I got hurt but I didn't get stabbed or anything" I furrowed my eyebrows. It's not like I wanted to be hurt but it didn't make sense. Ghostface didn't hurt me. He could've, but he didn't for a strange reason that I wanted to know. Did I want to know?

"I'm sure it's going to be fine. '' He hugged me tightly almost like he didn't want to let me go.


Gale told us there was something extremely weird at some theater. We all went but it was super suspicious.

Ethan was quiet the entire time which usually doesn't happen but I thought it might be the fact that we were missing Anika and Quinn, or maybe because everybody just decided to accuse him of being a killer. Whatever it was made him nervous. He was pale, more pale than usual, almost like he'd seen a ghost.

When we got to this abandoned movie theater it was filled with all the Stab movie's merch, original props, and even things that the actual killers wore and used. It was completely creepy and whoever owned this stuff was completely insane about the movies. They were obsessed.

The stage curtain lifted exposing nine ghostface cloaks.

We all wandered around the place looking at all the different things: knives, books, clothes and so much more. I didn't even notice I wandered off too far from everyone else until I didn't hear their voices anymore.

"Hey" I heard someone whisper behind me.

"Shit Ethan" I yelled at him

"Sorry, " he said with an apologetic look.

"What are you doing?"

"I could ask you the same thing," he said, touching the dusty table.

"Just looking.."  I began to walk.

" Me too" He said with his eyes glued on me. We both made eye contact for what felt like forever.

"Do you think I'm the killer?" He said in a low voice. I didn't even realize how close he was to me, how he was towering over me.

"What" I took a step back surprised.

"Do you think I killed Anika and Quinn, be honest"


"Be honest y/n do you believe them , do you think i'm a killer too" His voice was deep but sounded hurt almost like he wanted me to say no. I didn't think he was the killer to be honest.

"Ethan you know I don't think you're the killer. You're one of the sweetest, most kind and caring people I know. They just said that because they went through so much, you know." I said, trying to make my words comfort him.

He looked at me with a sense of relief but he almost looked like he wanted me to say more. There was a weird silence but we both didn't know what to say.

"Y/n you know I care so much about you right?" He said putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Yes Ethan I care about you too" I embraced him in a hug. He held me tightly.

"I promise you y/n when all this ends we will be happy and nothing bad will ever happen to you." He said reassuringly, noticing my worry for him.



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