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Ethan's Pov

Y/n just stood there. I could tell she was afraid but she had nothing to worry about. She knows that Mindy was one of the smartest people in the friend group and obviously she wouldn't go down without a fight. When I stabbed Mindy I saw Y/n freeze up. I hated seeing her be scared especially if that meant she was scared of me.

After I stabbed Mindy she quickly ran towards the small desk in the room and picked up a small pocket knife from her bag.

I quickly saw Y/n start to walk towards Mindy. Good.

I went towards the door and began to lock it. Knowing Mindy's arm was injured it would be difficult for her to try to unlock and lift things.

"Look, I'll leave okay? Just please don't hurt me." Mindy said pointing her knife at Y/n, something in the way she talked made it seem like she didn't mean it. She wanted to live but she wanted to hurt us, she wanted to hurt Y/n. My Jaw began to clench at the thought of it.

"You wouldn't hurt me," Y/n said. Although she had the voice changer I could tell her expression was cold under the mask. She kept walking to Mindy.

"I promise to not tell anybody just please don't hurt me" Mindy pleaded.

"Really? I think it's time for you to go with your brother" I said, putting my hand on Y/n's shoulder. At this point of the plan Y/n would stab Mindy. Instead Y/n stood there frozen, her eyes glued to Mindy. She couldn't do it. I slowly lifted her arm in which she holded her knife in. She slowly turned towards me.

"I can't," She whispered to me, making sure Mindy didn't hear. I nodded and took the knife away from her. Slowly I started to walk towards Mindy.

"Y/n?" Mindy said furrowing her eyebrows. I quickly turned around but Y/n still had her mask on.

"Y/n you can't kill me" Mindy whispered to her. Y/n looked at me then Mindy.

"Ethan do it" I heard from my ear piece. We were wasting time. I quickly grabbed my knife and stabbed Mindy on the stomach.

"Ethan!" Y/n yelled pulling her mask off before I could stab Mindy for the second time.

"Ethan?" Mindy said in pain looking at me then Y/n. I pulled my mask off.

Y/n's Pov

I couldn't let Ethan kill Mindy without me talking to her. I've kicked myself ever since the theater. I didn't talk to Tara nor Sam and I regret not talking to them. I regret not resolving things I wanted to or talking to them about anything. We were friends and we shared so much together especially with Mindy. She was my first friend, she knew everything about me.

"Y/n why?" Mindy said, pulling my eyes away from Ethan to Mindy. Her eyes filled in disappointment and pain. I looked at Ethan, his eyes filled in betrayal and disappointment. His eyes told me things he wanted to tell me at the moment. Why?

"Mindy I'm so sorry-" I said as small sobs escaped me. I tried not to look at both of them knowing both of them were disappointed in me. From the corner of my eye I catched a glimpse of Ethan's jaw clench.

"Y/n..why did you follow him?" Mindy said, avoiding the fact he was there. I quickly looked at Ethan whose eyes never left me ever since I took my mask off.

"Mindy..." I tried to find words to answer the question but I couldn't find any.

"Fuck this" Ethan murmured stabbing Mindy in the chest once more. I quickly noticed Mindy pull her pocket knife out again stabbing Ethan in the chest. I quickly moved in between Mindy and Ethan making sure Mindy didn't kill Ethan.

"Shit Ethan, it's going to be okay" I told him but he avoided me.

Mindy started to stand up slowly grabbing a glass cup and aiming it towards me and Ethan. Ethan quickly saw her trying to throw it, he immediately got in front of me trying to cover me from the glass. Ethan handed my knife at me, his eyes glued on Mindy who was trying to run towards the door. I quickly ran up to Mindy and stabbed her chest once again. This time she fell to the floor.

"I was right..."Mindy finally said, giving both of us a disgusted look. I closed my eyes before Ethan finally stabbed her. Once I opened them I saw Mindy laying there dead in front of the door, blood everywhere. I turned to Ethan who tried to get up.

"Jesus you're bleeding out we have to go" I said nervously looking at him with multiple cuts in his face from the glass and the stab on his chest.

"No Y/n, im fine" He said, wincing in pain with each step he took.

"Ethan no we have to go or you can lose a lot of blood and-"

"It's okay, trust me, angel" He said with a weak smile on his face.

"No Ethan you didn't let me die so I won't let you die" I said with tears in my eyes remembering the scene at the theater. From far away sounds of police sirens were heard.

"Guys, we have to go," Quinn said sternly from the ear piece.

"Ethans hurt" I repeated letting her know.

"We have to leave now!" She said one last time.

"Ethan, okay we will go down the elevator and I'm sure your dad and Quinn will be in the car" I said to him putting his arm around me so he could walk a little better.

"No Y/n you have to go. Alone" He said, removing his hand from me.

"What- no Ethan lets go '' I said nervously hearing the sirens get louder.

"Go Y/n. Please" He said to me once more.

"Ethan.." Tears filling my eyes.


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