Chapter One

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"I mean, how can he be so stupid?! Blind even! Did you see his clothes today? They didn't match one bit, and God, why would he colour his hair grey? What is he, a grandma?" 

Minho just ignores his best friends ranting, since it is nothing he hasn't heard before. The lunch break isn't that long, so he prefers to just eat up his food, enyojing his break as good as possible. 

"I don't get how Felix can be friends with him. Look." Hyunjin continues, scoffing. Although Minho never once tried to look at the supposed guy, Hyunjin continues, "Felix even told me he got a girlfriend. I mean, how? What could anybody see in such a short guy with absolutely no talents. He's failing nearly all his subjects." 

Two new trays get put down on the table and Minho finally looks up at Chan and Changbin, glad for a possible change of topic. "Ah, how did your English exam go?" 

Chan eyes him, "since when do you care- oh never mind, did Hyunjin rant again about Jisung?" 

"I have every right to." Hyunjin just groans, still eager to go on but knowing better than to do so in front of Chan and Changbin. "I don't get how you don't have a problem with Felix hanging around him." 

"What's got Felix to do with your hate on that guy?" Changbin asks confused, ready to protect his boyfriend but Chan quickly defuses the situation, "nothing. Hyunjin, don't you think you should just let them be? I am sure he is a nice guy; I don't get why you hate him that much." 

Minho sighs at the conversation. This is the third time this week and its only Tuesday. He glares at his best friend, not knowing why the dramatic younger even is that close to him. "The way you obsess with him makes me slowly start to think you actually have a crush on him." 

The table falls silent, rare anger boiling in Hyunjin’s eyes as he glares back, not finding the speculation funny at all. "Whoever finds that thing appealing must be the blindest person on earth and last time I checked my sight is perfect." 

"I am just saying to shut your dramatic ass up and let me eat in peace." 

Hyunjin rolls his eyes but turns to his food, for the first time during the whole break, keeping quiet. Minho rolls his eyes as well, glancing over at Chan. "You said you wanted to go out tomorrow?" 

"Right," Chan smiles, quickly jumping in on the change of topic. "I feel like we all should just go out tomorrow, nothing fancy. Just leaving work behind for a while. We could go to the BBQ." 

Changbin agrees without second thought. It's food, so it doesn't surprise anyone. "Is it on you?"  

Chan looks at the three, unsure. "I'll come if you pay," Minho adds in. Chan ends up nodding, "alright, I'll pay this once." 

"I can't come, sorry guys." Hyunjin sighs, now bummed to miss a paid meal. Chan notices, patting his shoulder with a smile, "I doubt this was the last time I pay for all of your food, so don't worry." 

"You agreed, so it's not our fault." Minho smirks and Chan glares at him, though he is still smiling softly, as if silently asking himself why he is friends with these three people. 

---- ---- ----

Minho looks at him. Han Jisung. He is talking to two other boys he has seen around him often, and although they all are currently at Chans apartment, he doesn't know their names. Not like he wants to know them. 

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