Chapter Four

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Minho never took note of how many parties college actually consists of. That is, until he unconsciously starts to look out for a certain younger silver haired guy with the tendency to flirt when drunk. 

Once a week he got to attend an event, be it Chan inviting them all for games or somebody else throwing an actual party. It must have been a few weeks since the whole drama took place, since he felt torn between the younger and his actual friend, not knowing why. 

At least he doesn't want to accept it. He can't accept it, for his own good.

So he instead watches Jisung from time to time. The way he looks at parties, dressed up and a bit more make up on, the way he confidently flirted with people once drunk. It's the first thing he every really toke note of. Then he started to notice the messy hair Jisung mostly had in school, the mismatched socks he sometimes wore and the dark circles under the youngers eyes. 

Both, completely opposite sides. He wants to believe he is simply impressed. 

Minho shakes his head and turns to Chan, trying not to stare at Jisung talking to some girls even longer. "Chan." 

The older turns to look at him, away from Jeongin, asking. 

"I am leaving." Minho gets up as the older nods and Minho, again, looks at the younger. 

But Jisung isn't standing there anymore, giving the older an uneasy feeling. 

The current event is rather big with way too many people and way too much alcohol. He has to make sure the younger didn't get into some shit, for his safety, of course. Wouldn't be the first time. And he knows too many assholes that are currently present.

His thoughts running, Minho starts to search through the masses. He'll just have to find hi upstairs and after finding nothing, he goes outside. The garden has no trace of him, either. 

Cursing, Minho pulls out his phone, but just as he wanted to try and call the younger, he heard his voice. 

He quickly follows it around the house, stopping once he is in earshot. 


"What? I know you're gay, you don't have to be scared." 

Both voices are rushed and rather low, leading Minho to scrunch his nose up. 

"But that doesn't mean I want to, uh, you know?" Jisung mutters. 

"Let's just try, come on." 

"I don't really think that's the best idea." Jisung rushes. "I know you like Minho, why do you want to kiss me?" 

"Minho isn't gay." Hanseok sighs, "it's hopeless. I need to get over it so just help me out." 

Minho contemplates what to do, his mind not helping at all. After a few seconds he hears himself calling out Jisungs name, letting both guys shut up. 

He acts like he searched for the younger and noticed them in accident, his chest giving out a weird pang as he sees Jisung caged between the wall and Hanseok.  

Hanseok lets go of Jisung, looking at Minho, "what do you want?" 

"Jisung." Minho just replies, only taking note of the possible double meaning a second later. "I am supposed to drive him home." 

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