Chapter Fourteen

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Jisung grins as he sees his best friend waiting in the hallway for him. "Felix!" Felix chuckles, hugging him before they both start to make their way to the next class. "Spill, what happened?" 

"Nothing much?" "Sure, liar." Felix gives him a look and Jisung rolls his eyes, not able to hide his smile. "We kissed." 

Felix cheers, letting out a laugh, "finally! You know how stressing this was for me!" "Shut up! You can't tell anyone." Jisung huffs, looking around them just to make sure Hyunjin or anyone else they know isn't around. 

"Chill, I won't." Felix pads his shoulder. "Does that mean you're together now?" "Yeah, seems like it. It still feels unreal to be honest." "It'll settle, believe me." Felix grins brightly, "gosh, I am really happy for you." 

Both their smiles drop the moment they step into the class and see the most annoying professor they have prepare a stack of papers. "If I'll ever kill someone, it's because of her." Felix mutters and Jisung chuckles under his breath as they take their seats, making sure to review their notes as best as possible before the disaster. 

"Changbin!" Felix huffs as he drops down next to his boyfriend at the lunch table the others already sat at, catching everyone's attention. "Guess what that dragon did, again!" 

Jisung looks just as down as him as he sits down between Minho and Chan.  

"You guys look like shit, ha. Why didn't you use the weekend to study?" Hyunjin huffs eyeing them both with the same look, not really trying to hide his amusement. 

"I was busy, drama queen. Shut it." Jisung shoots back but Hyunjin just scoffs, "on a weekend? You usually complain you've got nothing to do all day, and now you're busy?" 

"Are you back together with her?" Jeongin asks, nodding towards someone behind Jisung and the whole table turns around to look at her. Youngmi. 

"Uhm, no." Jisung huffs, disgusted by the thought alone. "Never." 

Sadly, Youngmi noticed them all look and stalks over to them, stopping at the head of the table, glaring into the round. "What? Why are you all staring at me? There is nothing wrong with flirting with someone when you don't know they are in a relationship." 

"Just go and find yourself a boyfriend that won't cheat on you." Jisung shoots back at her, wanting to change the topic before she could say something that would end awfully. 

"Hanseok was the best boyfriend you could wish for." She huffs. "How would I know he even tried sleeping with you, that gay shit. All you gay people are weird." 

Jisung freezes, recognizing a warm hand squeezing his thigh lightly, trying to focus on that. 

Changbin gets up from the table, glaring at her, "do you have a problem with us?" Felix quickly pulls him down again, though he also glares at her. "Leave, Youngmi." 

The woman rolls her eyes, flicking her hair back before stalking back to her friends. 

The whole table relaxes as she is gone. Jisung looks down at his thigh, placing his hand on Minho's and squeezing it lightly back, at which the older retreats his hand. 

"She tried to get back with you?" Felix asks over the table and he nods, looking at him. "Yeah. I was at a cafe when she approached me a while ago." 

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