Chapter Six

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"Can't we take a break?" Jisung groans, resting his head on his notes. "We've been working for like, fifteen minutes." Felis replies without looking up for the exercise he is doing. "Come on Jisung, you don't want to fail mathematics too." 

Jisung groans again, at which Changbin giggles, placing two cups of water down for them on the kitchen counter. "Shut up Changbin." 

"Oi, don't hate on me, I've got nothing to do with this." To which Jisung couldn't say anything, because it was the truth. he should rather be glad they both agreed for him to come over and study. 

"Do you have exercise two already, Felix? I don't remember how to do it..." Jisung sighs, followed by a louder sigh from Felix, who then starts explaining step for step, once again, how to solve the problem. 

---- ---- ----  

"You've gotten even worse." Felix concludes an hour later, hitting his friend but Jisung just lays his head on the table. 

"What even is on your mind these days, I thought your insomnia got better?" Felix sighs. Jisung shrugs, "It was for a while, but I guess there has just been a lot on my mind lately. Don't worry." 

"Sure. Dude, I had to explain the same exercise three times. You aren't that dumb." "Thanks, Felix." Jisung groans. "Can we take a break now? It's late." 

"Changbin, what does the time say?" Felix asks his boyfriend who is sprawled out on the couch behind them. "Nearing 10pm." 

"Alright, let's take a break." Felix agrees, eyeing his friend who is already at hand to fall asleep. "Jisung, come on, let's make some food-" 

"Jisung has a kitchen ban." Changbin speaks up, getting up himself, "you two just sit on the couch and put on a movie, I'll make food." 

Felix smiles at him gladly, giving him a kiss on the cheek while Jisung wastes no time moving to the couch and starting to search for a movie. He could need some distraction from his thoughts. "Felix, stop making out with that guy and come over." 

"Ai, you're the parasite here!" Changbin huffs while Felix chuckles, plopping down on the couch as well, "what are we watching?" "Marvel?" "Sure." 

They make themselves comfortable, starting the movie. It doesn't take long and the smell of food fills the room, making both of them hungry. 

"Ah, Jisung, somebody is calling you." Changbin calls out to him at one point, but Jisung doesn't take his eyes off the screen, "who?" 

Changbin shuffles around the kitchen to look at the display, raising his eyebrow, "Minho." 

Felix pauses the movie and Jisung gets up, just as confused as the other two. He picks up the phone, looking at the clock. Half past ten. "Hello? Why are you calling?" 

"Jisung-ah." Minho says, surprising Jisung already. Not just the form, but also his deep voice. "Yeah, what is it?" "Come over." "Uhm," Jisung looks at his two friends, confused as hell while his heart is beating quickly. "Why? Are you alright?" 

"I am fine. I just need your help. Are you coming?" 

Jisung blinks a few times before nodding, slowly, "Alright, yeah. Do you want me to bring something?" "No." Then Minho hangs up.  

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