Chapter Sixteen

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Jisung and Felix both grin brightly as they make their way over to the rest of the group. Felix goes to sit with Changbin and Jisung ends up between Chan and Minho. It kind of became their normal seating way.

"How did it go?" Changbin is the one to ask them and both nod brightly. "I even have a top grade." Felix grins, at which Changbin congratulates him and Jisung grins as well, "I only missed the top grade by half a point."

Minho grins, satisfied with himself and Jisung makes sure to kicks him under the table for it while thanking Chan for the compliment.

"So Minho does actually teach you?" Hyunjin asks over the table and Jisung looks at him, nodding. "Yeah, why?" "I thought it was an excuse to fuck."

Minho rolls his eyes at his best friend, "very funny." "I thought it for real." He glances at Jisung, who just turned back to his food to avoid eye contact.

"What the hell, why would you assume that? Jisung's pure and innocent compared to you." Chan asks Hyunjin, but before anyone could reply Minho chokes on his food, looking Chan straight in the eyes and shaking his head, no.

Chan raises his eyebrow, "what do you mean by that?" Minho swallows but Hyunjin comes first. "Means that boyfriend of Jisung he didn't want to talk about is Minho."

Now it is Felix turn to spit out his food, looking wide eyed at hyunjin, "how do you know?"

"Wait what?" Chan asks and Jeongin on his other side chuckles, "god are you slow, grandpa. Jisung and Minho are together since a while."

Now all of them turn to him in confusion and Jeongin sighs, "I was around when Minho beat up Hanseok, and Minho already said some stuff there that made me think that. I also saw you both at the amusement park."

"Wait, you were the one that beat up Hanseok?" Felix asks and Minho just sighs, waving it off. "Do we really have to talk about all this. Yeah, I am Jisungs boyfriend, and yes," he eyes Chan, "we do sleep with each other. Everything clear now?"

Chan shakes his head, glancing at Jisung, who gives him an awkward smile. "Sorry?" "No, it's good." He clears his food, looking into the round. "So I was the only one who didn't know?"

"I only know since Saturday." Hyunjin huffs, and Seungmin rolls his eyes, "I only heard of it now, but I don't really care to be honest."

"Thank you, Seungmin." Jisung says. "It's not really a big deal, guys."

They all nod, turning back to their food and soon small conversations spike up like usually. Minho gives Jisungs tight a light squeez, smiling reasuringly which Jisung returns. It would all be fine.

"Oh, by the way guys." Chan speaks up to everyone, catching all attention quickly. "I wanted to ask if all of you want to come over at my place today, just to hand out a bit. Classes are going alright for everyone right now."

Jisung contemplates for a moment, but nothing really speaks against a get together with everyone. He crosses eyes with Hyunjin, but neither of them says or does anything, turning away again to look at Chan. "I am in."

The rest of the group agrees slowly, before breaking into small groups again.

"I'll pick you up?" Minho asks Jisung, who looks a bit startled at him before remembering that everybody knows anyways. "Oh, right yeah." Minho just chuckles. "Good."

"Hey, you gonna pick us up too?" Felix asks towards Minho, who raises his eyebrow. "You've got your own car." "Yeah but when you drive I can drink too." Felix states, smiling cheepishly but Minho shakes his head. "You guys will probably leave early anyways and not with us." "Fine, it was worth a try." Felix huffs, turning back to his food.

Jisung chuckles at the disappointment on his best friends face, but before he could comment on it Seungmin jumps out of his seat, reminding them all of the time. "Our classes start in ten minutes, guys."

Jisung curses along with most of them, a bunch of byes get thrown around and Jisung ends up running to his next class together with Felix and Hyunjin. Nobody saying anything about it as Hyunjin moves to sit with them.


Minho couldn't keep his eyes off of Jisung for the whole evening. Like what Chan said, nobody was there except for the eight of them, playing games and doing nothing really with snacks and drinks.

It wasn't that Jisung dressed up,he just looked happy to talk with Felix and Changbin and the rest. To everybodys surprise did Jisung and Hyunjin even agree to play a round of games together, getting along despite the heavy amount of bickering.

Like every hang out at Chan, Felix and Changbin left against ten, and then Seungmin, Hyunjin, Minho and Jisung get thrown out towards midnight. Jeongin stayed over.

Jisung smiles as he breathes in the cold night air, being reminded of the start of all this, now nearly half a year ago.

"Just go home." Minho states, looking at both Hyunjin and Seungmin, whp both looked like they just wanted to jump onto each other right then and there.

Hyunjins head snaps over to them, narrowing his eyebrows, "we were about to go." "Leave then." Minho waves them off. Hyunjin rolls his eyes, "get home safe."

"You too." Jisung chuckles, also waving for them to just leave already, which they do, arm in arm, tumbling down the street.

Minho lets out a breath, looking up at the stars. "So, do you want to grab a drink?" He turns to look at Jisung again, being met with his smiling eyes. "Same restaurant like always?" "If you want to."

Jisung grins, reaching his hand out for Minho to hold, "I'd love to." Minho smiles softly, taking hold of his hand and they both start off down the street.

"Ji?" "Hm?" "Did I tell you today already that you look absolutely stunning? Cause you do - ouch!" "Fuck off."

Minho just chuckles, the sound echoing through the street before they both disappear into the darkness of the night.

- The End -

w: 1038

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