Chapter Thirteen

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Gentle sunlight caresses Jisung skin, yet he turns on his other side to get rid of it, the brightness burning red behind his closed eyes. All he knows is that, right now, it only makes his head ache. 

He groans, rolling himself into a ball and holding his head. Only slowly, he starts reconstructing what happened yesterday.  

Minho went to pick him up, being a cheesy asshole and making his heart skip some beats, easing his anxiety. Then the party, Chan and the others, the bowl...right, the bowl. After that it gets blurry. Some people he doesn't know. The next thing he remembers is Minho's face. Nothing more, just his face with the light make-up and those fucking eyes. 

Jisung blinks his eyes open to look around, just to be sure. But indeed, he finds himself in Minho's bedroom. From Minho no trace. But he held his promise. 

He sits up slowly with a soft smile, though that wavers as he realizes he is still wearing the clothes from yesterday. 

He glances to the bedside table where his phone lays, plugged in. Should he call Minho? He shakes his head and gets up, waddling outside and at once being hit with the smell of fresh cooking. Of course Minho didn't leave. 

But looking down at himself he decides he'd first go and take a shower. He must reek of alcohol and God knows what else. 

The smart child he is, he realizes only after stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around his waist, that he did not bring clothes. With a sigh, he glances into the corridor to check Minho isn't around before he makes his way towards the older’s room and quickly closing the door behind himself. 

Unbeknownst to him, Minho is sitting on the bed, originally on his phone but looking up at the younger as soon as the door opens. And God, he can't help himself staring. 

Jisung on the other hand freezes as he realizes Minho just sits there looking at him. "You, hi?" 

Minho chuckles, meeting his eyes with a smirk. "You look breath-taking." Jisung directly flushes red, trying to hide his upper body with his hands as good as possible. "I don't, don't say that." "You do." Minho simply replies and gets up, stepping forward so he's right in front of him, but Jisung avoids his eyes. 

"Go and put some clothes on, I'll wait in the kitchen for the last snack to arrive." Minho hums, leading Jisung to smack his chest, "yah! Just go!" Which Minho does with a bright chuckle, satisfied with himself. 

Jisung groans once he has left, slapping his cheeks gently. How could Minho do this to him? He knows which effect he seems to have on him. 

Grabbing a random shirt and pants he quickly changes, making sure his hair doesn't drip anymore before making his way back to the kitchen. 

Minho really prepared lots of food for breakfast, all of it looking delicious. He must have been up for a long time already. The older just smiles at him, putting his phone away so Jisung takes a seat next to him at the table. 

"Take it." Minho points at the little pill on his plate and Jisung smiles, "thanks, Minho." He quickly gulps down the pill with some water, using the time to think of what to say. 

"So, why'd you put so much effort into doing breakfast?" He decides to ask, looking at Minho who shrugs, the little smile all time present, killing Jisung internally. "Felt like it. I hope you like it. Here, start with this." He takes up his chopsticks to put something on his plate. 

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