Chapter Seven

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It has been a while since Minho and Jisung talked, or rather somehow ended up in some situation. They don't talk at school. Hyunjin or anyone else could notice. And it's not like they are hiding anything, right? 

But Jisung couldn't help but feel bad, because it all started after that night Minho called him when drunk.  

"Jisung." Chans voice pulls him back into the loud atmosphere inside the cafeteria. Jisung looks into the round, smiling faintly at the oldest. "Sorry, what?" 

"We're meeting up at my house in the evening. Nothing big, just game night. Are you in?" Chan repeats and Jisungs eyes flicker over to Hyunjin, who glares at him. 

"I will be there, yeah. Surprise." 

"Just what exactly is your problem with me, Hyunjin?" Jisung retorts before turning to Chan, "I'l be there." 

"My problem with you is your dramatic ass." Hyunjin says and Jisung looks at him, "me? Dramatic? Have you seen yourself?" 

Hyunjin scoffs, "I am not that bad. You're the one seeking attention every second nobody is looking at you." "Excuse you? Did I ever hurt you or something? I am just living my life, you should calm down man." 

"That's enough. Just stop it already, where is the point in those fights?" Felix cuts in. "Just hate each other quietly." 

"Shut up." Both Jisung and Hyunjin huff, sharing a glance before avoiding each other. Jeongin just chuckles at the side. "Frenemies at its finest.”  

Chan gently hits him against the head, "you're too much on Tumblr." 

 ---- ---- ----

"Felix, what should I wear?" Jisung whines as he stares at his friend through the display. The blond chuckles, "just wear anything. It is not a big event. there is nobody to impress, or is there?" 

Jisung groans, "I hate you Felix, be of some help. I need decent but good." 

He wants to look good. Maybe more for somebody else than for his own selfesteem. Yet he'd never - ever - admit that to Felix.

After way too long, Jisung manages to settle on something simple, hanging up to do some plain make up. Not soon after Changbin and Felix pick him up, Hyunjin and Seungmin already in the car. 

It has been a while since they all hung out, so Jisung gladly took the invite, glad the evening might help him get his mind off of certain things for a while. 


Against eleven, Chan throws the rest of them outside. Which is Hyunjin, Seungmin, Jisung and Minho. Jeongin is crashing at Chans and Felix and Changbin already left earlier. 

"It was actually pretty nice." Seungmin concludes quietly as the four of them stand in the cold. His statement earns quiet agreements. 

"Right, it was. I should get going." Hyunjin says, he and Minho hitting each other as a way of saying goodbye before he turns to Seungmin, "should we walk together again?" 

Seungmin just rolls his eyes, hugging jisung before he and Hyunjin walk off. Which leaves just Jisung and Minho behind, what a surprise. 

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