Chapter Fifteen

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Jisung watches Minho make breakfast with droopy eyes. He isn't really awake, but he woke when Minho tried to sneak out of bed and decided to follow him.

Minho cooking is usually already on a level where his heart skips beats, now, still with bedhair and only in boxers and a loose morning robe drapped over his shoulders, Jisung could think he's in heaven.

"What got you starring all the time?" Minho asks, but Jisung just meets his eyes before letting them wander over the olders body again. "You know what." "I do?"

In the next second, Minho stands in front of him and leans against the workplace Jisung is sitting on, their faces only inches away. "I think I forgot. Enlighten me?"

Jisung rolls his eyes softly, halfheartedly attempting to push him away. "Shut it, I am pretty sure I already told you hundreds of times." I don't care. Tell me again."

Jisung just shakes his head, leaning forward to connect their lips. "Not now. You should go back to the stove or it'll burn." Minho chuckles, leaning forward for a short kiss before returning to the stove.

Mornings like this weren't as rare as Jisung thought they would be. By now, they spend nearly every saturday or sunday like this. of course, sometimes they stay in bed way longer, sometimes they go out for breakfast, sometimes they hang out seperately with others. But Jisung does like these Saturdays a lot. Just relaxing and being with Minho.

"What should we do today?" Jisung asks quietly, and Minho shrugs, glancing at him. "Don't know. We could go out."

Jisung nods, closing his eyes to concentrate better. "Right. We already went to the amusement park and the cinema. We made that picknick in the park, we are too broke to go to Nami island..."

Minho chuckles, "do you really want to go there?" "I don't know. I've never been there." "Really?" Jisung nods and Minho smiles, "I'll make sure we go there soon." "You don't have to, you're as broke as I am." "Shush."

Jisung smiles, opening his longer this time, ending up watching Minho for a while before remembering what he was about to do. "We still didn't agree on what to do today."

Before Minho could say something a shout echoes through the apartment making them both jump. "Minho! Wake the fuck up I need company!"


Jisungs eyes widen, with once fully awake as he stares at Minho, then glancing down at the boxers he is wearing and one of Minhos oversize shirts.

"Calm down." Minho whispers, turning the stove off and placing the food on two plates while calling out. "Why are you here this early, dipshit?"

"Seungmin and I had a fight- you're in the kitchen right? Anyways, don't get me started. I don't feel like talking about it." Hyunjin calls back, though by the end of it he reached the kitchen, closing his eyes and running a hand through his hair. "Ah, you made breakfast."

"It's not for you, keep your hands off." Minho only replies, hitting his hand away from the food and Hyunjin looks at him in confusion. "Gimme some, come on. I got a fight with my boyfriend." "I don't." "Yeah cause you don't have one."

Hyunjin huffs, falling down into one of the chairs with his arms crossed. Minho goes to get another plate for Hyunjin.

In that silence, Hyunjin and Jisungs eyes meet quickly. And they both just stare at each other.

"What are you doing here?" Hyunjin then asks, looking him up and down. His eyes stop at Jisungs neck for a moment longer before turning to Minho. "You didn't tell me you are sleeping with my archenemy?"

Minho turns to look at him. "No. You don't like him, so where's the point. And he's my boyfriend, not just someone I am sleeping with." He holds up the plate he's just take from the cupboard. "Do you want to stay now or go?"

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