Chapter Ten

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"Ji, wake up." Minho calls through the apartment, not wanting to leave the food unattended. "Breakfast is ready and we have to leave soon." 

It doesn't take long, and the bedroom door opens again, letting a sleepy and messed up Jisung appear in the living area. Instead of sitting down he goes and hugs Minho from behind, hiding his face in the olders neck. 

"Hey, I am glad you sleep this much but you still need to go to classes." 

"Can't I drop out? My grades are already horrible." Minho sighs, "you know, I can always help you study. I had most of the stuff you're dealing with already." 

"Don't bother, I'm already going on Felix's nerves with that." "I don't mind, though. Do you write anything in the next days?" 

Jisung groans quietly, "Biology tomorrow." "How about I come over and we study together? We still have the snacks from yesterday." 

Jisung loosens his grip around the olders waist and steps back, looking away and scrunching his nose up. "You really don't have to." "Sure. Should I bring something?" Jisung just shakes his head with a little smile. "Thank you."  

They eat up with small chatter and Minho cleans up everything while Jisung gets ready. By the time they leave they still have some time left before first class. 

"Can we go and get some Iced Americano?" Jisung proposes and Minho nods, driving to the next coffee he knows that is near campus. 

The shop is comfy and not too full. Some college students they might have seen before are already in line, all striving for coffee this early in the morning. 

The barista behind the bar smiles at them, though she also looks like she needs some coffee. "Good morning, what can I get for you?" "Morning. Two iced americanos please." Minho orders and the woman nods, "anything else?" "No thanks." "Please wait over there." 

The duo steps a few feet aside to the waiting line and Minho looks at Jisung who, despite having slept this much, still looks tired. "Go and sit down." 

Jisung looks at him, wanting to say it's fine, but ends up nodding and sitting down at one of the tables. 

He can't but eye the older now and then, more than grateful for...everything? That he came over and stayed. He really needs help with his studies too... 

"Oh, Jisung?" A female voice leads him to look up and he forces half a smile on his face.

"Youngmi. Hello. What do you want?" 

Youngmi smiles, though it really is an honest smile, "can I?" She points at the chair.

Jisung shakes his head, but she sits down anyways, ignoring it. "I saw you sitting here alone and thought we might could catch up." 

Jisung sighs, not daring to glance in Minho's direction. If he knew he'd run into his ex here, he would've stayed with Minho. "Youngmi. I don't really have the time and there is nothing left to say, is there?" 

Youngmi sighs, her smile morphing into a guilty look. "I wanted to say sorry. For everything. I might have treated you like shit." She straightens in her seat. "But I am willing to do better this time. I promise, I'll be the best girlfriend you've ever had and ever will have." 

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