Chapter Three

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"I swear, if she writes any more surprise tests I'll be done for." Jisung huffs as the duo leaves for the lunchbreak.  

"Why don't you try to prepare beforehand?" Felix argues calmly as they get in line at the cafeteria, eyes roaming around the huge hall. "You know it is coming either way." 

"I don't have the time." Jisung shrugs it off, now with his tray in his hands following his friend. "Where are Jeongin and Seungmin?" 

"Seungmin is sick. Jeongin probably forgot an assignment and is currently writing it." Felix replies, putting his tray down next to his boyfriend and sitting down. 

Jisung looks at the three guys sitting at the table. Minho, Chan and Changbin, Hyunjins friends. Gladly, his archenemy seems not to be present.

"Sit." Felix orders, not that friendly. "Hyunjin is not even here, and I am sick of your behaviour by now." 

"It's not like it is my fault." Jisung huffs, but sits down next to Chan, across of Minho and the couple. He tries to avoid Minho as best as possible, even more guilty as he remembers he is wearing the older’s sweater. 

"That aside, how are you?" Changbin asks, serious, obviously referring to yesterday. 

"Good." Jisung just mutters, poking his food. "Thanks for being with me." 

"Did Minho drive you home properly?" Chan adds, eyeing his friend and the younger. 

"I thought you drove him?" Felix questions irritated and Jisung sighs, rubbing his eyes. "I don't remember who drove me home. I also thought it was Chan." 

Felix raises his eyebrow in question but Jisung just shakes his head a little, telling him to drop it.

"I'll never do it again." Minho huffs and Chan rolls his eyes, "shut up. He's a friend of us as well, you shouldn't let Hyunjins opinion influence you this much." 

"You can be glad he isn't here today." Minho just replies and everybody knows why, without having to question it further. 

Though none of them knew about the sweater. Only Minho, and Hyunjin would have known too. Lunch would be anything but peaceful, then.


---- ---- ----

Jisung already dreads the next day for one, because Hyunjin would probably be back, and secondly, because Felix didn't look like he would drop his attend to bring the two groups together as one. 

The weird thing is that it is indeed only because Hyunjins and his relationship that those groups even exist. But it isn't Jisungs fault that they don't get along. If Hyunjin wouldn't go on his nerves he wouldn't need to snap back. Even though he might not show it all the time, Hyunjin has the talent to hurt him out of the blue with something utterly stupid. Spending more time with him would not make it better, at all. Worse, probably.

He had already thin nerves because of school stress and the thing with Minho and his now ex-girlfriend, so by the time lunch came and Felix more or less dragged him to the table his boyfriend, Hyunjin and the two elder sat on, he felt like running away and just living abroad. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hyunjin immediately asks as Felix stops at their table, eyeing Jisung with a glare. 

"Means the two of you get along because I am fed up with it." Felix smiles and sits down next to Changbin, leaving not much room for discussion. As always when he uses his deeper voice.

Jeongin sits next to Chan and Seungmin sits next to Hyunjin, which leaves Jisung to quietly sit down next to Minho, eyes on his food. 

"Well, no. Why would I?" Hyunjin huffs, glaring at the younger, "I don't want to be around an insensitive dumb kid." 

"Stop right there." Chan growls and Jisung puts his fork down and looks up at Hyunjin, meeting his eyes. "No, he's right. I am not hungry anyways, so I should just go since I am only going on your nerves and wasting your breaktime." 

He gets up and grabs his tray, "thanks Felix, but you shouldn't put your nose in our stuff." Then he walks off, hearing some of them call after him, but he doesn't care. Hyunjins comments are the last thing he needs right now.

While Chan starts lecturing Hyunjin together with Felix, Minho sits quietly at the sides. Despite not really knowing the younger, something inside of him felt weird. 

He knows what Jisung seems to worry about, and he figures quickly that what Hyunjin had said must have triggered the younger. Maybe it often does. But he understands his friend, too. It doesn't make sense. 

He, as Hyunjins friend, shouldn't feel some kind of...feeling, towards said archenemy. He should hate Han Jisung for all the reasons Hyunjin has, but it seems like he is incapable of doing so. 

"For fucks sake, Minho, do something about your friend!" Changbin huffs, pulling the older out of his thoughts. 

Minho glances into the round, noticing that Felix is gone as well. Hyunjin sits with his arms crossed, looking at him, "you know what I think about him. You know I have every right to do so." 

Minho sighs, wishing he could easily agree. "What do you want me to do, huh? I can kill one of you, so you won't be fighting anymore." 

"Good idea, let's just-" 

"If you finish that sentence, Hyunjin, you're done for." Chan presses out, anger seething from him. Jeongin gently pats his shoulder in an attempt to calm him. 

"Listen, we all get that you don't like him." Seungmin suddenly speaks up, eyeing his neighbour. "Just accept that he is there and it's alright, it's not like you have much to do with him anyways. But it goes on everyones nerves when you two are constantly on each others throats." 

Hyunjin doesn't reply, an uneasy silence settling in as they eat up in silence. 

"Minho?" A stranger asks, standing next to the table and all of them look up. 

"Ah, Hanseok, right?" Minho says, glad for the change of atmosphere. Not that he is happy to see the guy in particular. "What are you doing here?" 

"Nothing really. I just talked to some people and figured we actually have the next class together." He looks at the rest of the group, only now noticing the lethal aura, and tries an excusing smile, but Minho quickly gets up and grabs his tray. "Let's walk together, then." 

"Ah, sorry, you don't-" 

"It's alright, I see these guys often enough." Minho cuts him off, for a moment just glad to have an excuse to get away. It all felt wrong. Not to be able to agree with Hyunjin, yet at the same time not really being in the position to say something in Jisungs defence. A traitor must surely feel like this. 

w: 1133

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