Chapter Nine

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Felix looks at his friend, taking note of the dark circles under his eyes. Jisung hasn't looked this bad in a while, and it made Felix worry. Jisung nearly falls asleep multiple times during class, so once they have a break time, he decides for something that might cheer him up. 

"Jisung, you want to go get some cake after classes?" He proposes but Jisung just hums, leading the way to the cafeteria. "I am good, thanks." 

Felix frowns, catching up to him. "Does your insomnia worsen again? You look like shit." Jisung chuckles dryly, looking at him, "thanks man. I guess school is just really busy. I need to study a lot, so I won't fail these stupid classes." 

They make their way to the table where Chan, Minho, Hyunjin and Seungmin already sit. "You know you can always come and study with me." Felix proposes but Jisung shrugs, sitting down on the next free chair, which just so happens to be next to Chan. 

"You look like shit." His favourite archenemy greets him from across the table and Jisung glares at him, "shut up drama queen." "Stop saying that you squirrel. You seriously look like-" 

Hyunjin freezes, staring at Jisung with wide eyes. Jisung gives him a deadpanned look, not having any of that today. "Look, I know you hate me and all that stuff, but I am really not in the mood to hear all your trash so could you please just-" "Why are you wearing Minhos sweater?" 

Jisung scrunches his nose up, confused at the change of topic. "Huh? I am not-" He looks down at himself as the table falls silent. He needs a few seconds to recognize the sweater as the one he kind of stole from Minho all those weeks ago. 

"What are you saying, Hyunjin? He's worn it before, it's his sweater." Felix replies instead of his while Jisung glances across the table at Minho. 

It's been around two weeks since that first movie night. The others shouldn't know. he couldn't let them ruin something that hasn't even fully started. He doesn't want to stop meeting the older, he really doesn't. 

Yet Minho looks unbothered as he looks up, meeting his eyes shortly before turning back to his food. "You forgot your chemistry book at my place as well." 

Which wasn't a lie. Minho had started to help him out with chemistry because he complained about it so much the last time they went out for coffee, Minho made it his own task to better his grades. 

"What? You're meeting him?" Hyunjin asks, looking at his best friend. Minho looks at Hyunjin, shrugging half-heartedly. "He needs help with chemistry, what's wrong with that?" "What is- Minho. You never, ever offer any help to anyone. Not even to me." "You never asked." 

Hyunjin scoffs, "sure. Though I doubt there's any hope in somebody as dumb as Jisung." 

"Stop it, Hyunjin." Chan cuts in. He glares at the younger, and Hyunjin falls back in his chair, glaring at Jisung though he keeps quiet.  

Minho was never that thankful for Chan stepping in, because if he hadn't, this time, Minho might have started a huge fight with his best friend.  

"Hyunjin." Jisung speaks up, catching everyone's attention. He really looks tired, everybody could see that. "Hate me all you want but keep other people out of it. I am not here to cause problems." 

Hyunjin glares at him, evenly. "Why are you being like this, then? All tired. Just sleep. You don't have to fight for all the attention." 

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