Chapter Eleven

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Minho arrives at the park, two iced americanos in his hands. He's early, but the younger is already waiting for him on one of the benches, smiling. 

"You bought coffee! Thank-" Minho manoeuvres the drinks around his hand and sits next to him making sure both drinks are secured out of Felix's reach. "It's not for you." 

Felix rolls his eyes with a sigh, "it'll be warm until Jisung is here, if he comes at all." 

Minho doesn't reply, taking a sip of his own iced americano, scowling into the sky. "You better hope this all works out." 

"Of course it will. I know them." Felix smiles, leaning back and taking in a breath of fresh air as if he hasn't got a taste of it since years. 

Hyunjin and Jisung should be meeting right now, without them both knowing. Officially, both of them are supposed to meet Felix, yet they will be alone in that cafe, and hopefully talk. Judging their dramatic characters and both their attitudes they will talk, not in the best ways of course, but that would be a start. 

"Are you together now?" Felix cuts the silence and Minho glances at him. "It's been four days, chill out." 

"You haven't kissed either, then?" "Felix." "What? I am curious." "Why don't you ask Jisung?" Felix just shrugs half-heartedly, "he's a bit annoyed by that question since I had already asked him numerous times. The only condition under which he agreed to meet 'me', was me not being allowed to ask anything concerning you." 

Minho shakes his head lightly, taking another sip. "Did you really ask him about everything?"  

"Of course. He's my best friend. Got to know the details. And- whoa calm down, I don't force him into telling me!" 

Minho scoffs, shaking his head again but before he can say another thing Felixs' phone pings multiple times and the younger immediately snatches it from his pockets. 

"It's Jisung. And then Hyunjin." Felix giggles while Minho faces him fully, for the first time. "What'd he write?" 

Felix is quiet for a moment, typing away. "Uhm...he insulted me. Same to Hyunjin." Felix grins. "Guess they figured it out quickly." 

Minho just stares at him, waiting for more information, but Felix doesn't say more, just grinning and typing. 

"Felix. How's it going?" 

"If you wanted to know you could have agreed to play your part in luring Hyunjin in, but no, you had to pass." Felix shoots at him and Minho rolls his eyes, "I don't like leading people on. And Hyunjin would not drop it for months, or even years." "So I take the blame?" 

Minho keeps quiet, turning towards the sky and sipping his drink. He doesn't really want to engage in that conversation. He'd just have to wait. Knowing Felix, he'd spill the tea once something important happens. Otherwise, there'd be no reason he told Minho to be here. 

"They don't reply anymore." Felix mutters at some point. But Minho doesn't spare him a glance. 

"Either they are talking, are they are hitting each other to death now." Felix sighs, "I honestly am not sure. They'd each rather fake their deaths than admit to be wrong in such an argument. 

"Jisung seemed pretty agitated." 

Minho sighs, "Hyunjin is probably angry as hell. Don't be surprised when he's angry with you for the next few days." 

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